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 Mewtwo's  Laughter (Psychic/Colorless)
                                              by:Hank man
                                                    Poke'mon League (Kay-Bee
                                           Wednesday,October 11,2000
             About 20 people  there

This was a good day at the League for me! It was alot of fun.Here is how it

Mewtwo's Laughter:

4 promo mewtwo
4 abra(rocket}
3 dark kadabra
2 dark alakazam
2 ditto
2 potion
4 pluspowers
4 super energy removal
2 bill
4 Lt.Surge Treaty
25 psychic energy

Match 1 versus kid with common/uncommon deck:
This was easy.I drew 2 promo mewtwos,a abra,a ditto,a potion,and two DCE.He
drew 1 machops,and 6 fighting energy.Wisely,I put down a mewtwo and drew a
bill and used it to get a psychic energy and a SUR.I used the psychic
energy.He put an energy on machop and did twenty damage.I drew a bill and got
a Lt.negotiations and a psy energy.he refused :( and i drew a psy energy and
a potion'used the potion and killed his machop on the next turn
Match 2 versus guy with Haymaker deck:
Needs no run through.Beat him second turn with a d.kadabra.
Intermission:rested and bought a Base pack and got a Clefairfy :).
Match 3 versus girl with a up to par lightning deck:
   This made me mad!I got 2 promo mewtwo,3 psy energy,1 DCE energy,and a
potion.Good start, right! ,she gave up when she got wind of my pokemon :( .
Match 4 versus kid with monster need for braces:
He was the best there.Which isn't a honor at that store.I drew 1 abra,2
ditto,1 promo mewtwo and 2 psy energy,and 2 DCE :) .He drew a Machamp,3
hitmonlee,and 4 figting energy.I put out Ditto and drew a Lt.Treaty he
accepted and I got a bill(don't know what he got) used it to get 2
Lt.Treaty,wow.He accepeted both times and I got 2 more pluspowers and laid a
DCE on Ditto with for pluspowers to Stretch kick a hitmonlee and draw a
ditto.I killed both his hitmonlees with Ditto after that.
 Match 5 rematch against the quiter with lightning deck:
Easy!she had one magnimite that was gobbled up by ditto.
Match 6 versus Guy with Rain Maker deck!
Now I know what your thinking,...Rain Maker?Well,he had both a Hay Maker and
a Rain Dance.He told me that he merged them due to their loss records.He said
he played 50+ matchs and had not loss,Wow! Well,I drew 2 promo mewtwo's,2
ditto's,and 3 psychic energy.I put down a ditto and drew a DCE.He put down 3
hitmonchans and a articuno.This was gonna be hard.He had out a hitmonchan so
I did jab for 20.He layed down a fighting energy and did 20 damage back.I
drew a Pluspower laid a psychic energy and special punched for 50 to pick up
a Lt.Treaty.He brought up a Hitmonchan,laid a fighting energy down and jabed
for 20 damage.This was a defining Poke'mon moment,a used a Lt.Treaty to get a
Lt.Treaty and used it to get a bill and used it to get another bill and a
pluspower I used the bill to get two more pluspowers and special punched for
70 to draw a SEV.I won.Oh..he was playing someone's(forgot) challange which
made me play with 4 prizes.He was sure my deck was so good he let me copy
down the cards in his deck:

  Rain Maker

4 squrtiles
 3 blastoises
4 articunos
3 hitmonchans 
2 hitmonlees
2 dittos
3 potions
3 Pokemon Breeders
3 energy retrevels
16 water energy
15 fighting energy
2 double colorless energy

Well,that puts my record at 30-0.

friend for taking me
my base pack
Guy for being very nice
pojo because your cool
my record
no slops!