Flawless Victory
by Joe Turner
Logan's Card Shop
North Vernon, Indiana
Saturday, November 4, 2000
12 participants

Hello.  This is my second Killer Deck Report.  I played the same deck that
I did the last time but I will put my deck list on here again.  Once more I
played my wiggly minus the  No Removal Gym.  I made a new name for it
though.  Well here's my deck.

Flawless Victory:

4 Jigglypuff
4 Wigglytuff
4 Scyther
3 Hitmonchan
1 Rocket's Hitmonchan (I would like 1 more so....if anyone has one to trade
email me and we will see what we can do)

7 Fighting Energy
2 Full Heal Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

4 Bill
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Item Finder
4 Rocket's Sneak Attack (gosh darn it where's the no removal gyms)
4 PlusPower
3 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Scoop-up
2 Gust of Wind

Yeah I know the name still needs work but hey.........it's the stupidest
thing I could come up with so............Anyway......here's what happened
at the tourny.

Round 1  v.s.  Some stupid little 6 year old kid  (w/ water deck)
I go first and jab a poliwag base.  He attachs an energy and does 10 to my
I play a fighting energy on my Jigglypuff on my bench and oak.......oak
again after playing NGR and a RSA.  I jab the poliwag for a ko....all he
has left is a magikarp (OHH NO!!!).
He evovles to a Gyrados and plays an energy.  I use a Scoop-Up and bring
out jiggly.  Play back hitmo' play another hitmo', a jiggly and a scyther
(I already have 1 scy on my bench).  Then I play a PlusPower, PC for a
+power then Oak again.  I get one more +power and play it...........then I
PC in search for another.  What do you know its in my prizes.  Well 90
damage isn't bad in one hit.............he attachs energy and passes.  I
win with a 3rd turn bench-out.
Record-1-0-0   Points :7
Round 2 v.s. Cory Prickett (w/ a Charizard deck)
I go first again.  Attach energy to jiggly and pass.  He play an energy
under a active charmander and does 20.  I draw, retreat scy (who was my
active), play a DCE under jiggly, play a +power and oak.  I get a Wiggly
and 2 other bench people.  I PC for a Oak and get another +power and
another bench person.  I Ko the charmander.  He brings out a jiggly of his
own.  He lullaby's me and I awaken.  I draw and oak again filling my bench
and ko the jiggly to bench-out yet another person.
Record-2-0-0  Points: 14

Round 3 v.s. Andy Johnson (w/ the same deck as me(does anyone remeber this
from last time I wrote a killerdeck report?))
Ok, this tourny andy is undeafeted just as I am.  This was a deferent
situation that usual.  I usually play Andy the last round for the Finals.
This game I went first and oaked 3 times.  I play an energy under a jiggly
( I already have a full bench and 2 Wiggly's in my hand).  I have RSA'd him
like 4 times during my oaking process so I think his lone Scyther will be
easy to handle.  Well, he drew a hitmonchan to just make the game another
turn longer.  I bench-out yet another person for the win.
Record-3-0-0  Points: 21

Round 4 v.s. Carl Robets (w/ a sponge deck that we just made 2 days ago
(they were all my cards he was playin with)
Me and Carl were the only 2 people undeafeted.  This was the first time
Carl has went and played in a tourny in real life, but he plays on
apprentice all the time.  For some odd reason Carl I think was scared to
play me.  Anyway I went first (BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!)and played and energy
under a jiggly.  Then I oaked like twice and RSA'd 2 oaks and a :Lass from
his hand.  Thank goodness for getting to go first because he has lass and
he nows how to use them.  Anyway, I proceded to fill my bench and on turn 2
killed his MP Mew2.  He brought up another and I killed it too.  Another
bench-out.....I think these people need to use more basics.
Record-4-0-0  Points: 28

Round 5 v.s. Philip Elliot (w/ a screwed up modified hay)
This game was another short bench-out and the longest part of the game was
spent arguing if I had played the DCE on turn 1 or turn 2.  I had to relay
the whole game to him but finally proved him wrong.  Once more a bench-out.
Record-5-0-0  Points: 35

Round 6 v.s. Eric Purdue (w/ hay with FS Haunter)
I had already won the tournament but they wouldn't let me go get my money
now.  So.......I beat Eric in a bench-out too.  I think he took me the
longest to beat just because he played 1 energy removal........maybe it was
a turn 5 game (gosh that sounds cocky).
Record-6-0-0  Points: 42

This tourny was fun because Carl came, and I got to be a person to fill out
the card thingy's.  But it sucked also because the 2nd best player up there
(sorry carl) wasn't there.  Well, I got sever crap out of the 13 packs I
bought afterwards.  I love my deck now, but am kinda bored of it (playing
on apprentice 24-7 can do that to you)so I'm tring to get enough traps for
a trap deck.  Well, read Carl's deck report if it gets posted (mine has to
be posted first).

to my mom for taking me, Andy, and Carl
to Logan's Card Shop for having the tourny (by the way check out its site
at  www.logans.gamespage.com   it might be  .net though but im not sure)
to Carl for getting second in the tourny (his only loss to me)
to dad for giving me some money to get in the tourny

to andy for playing retarded (after I beat him he got sad and lost every
game after it)
to the packs I got for being gay
to....well......im not a big slops fan....thats it

So, send any coments, deck's that need help, or funny jokes to 
Thanks for reading
Joe Turner (puhh on mIRC)
(kinda funny how i sign it like a letter eh?)