people:'round 17
                  jap cards are playable

Hi pojo and pojo fans.I'm Matt with another
non-arcytype deck(my first one was mi beatboxx)well i
hope you enjoy this deck as muck as i did!

3 promo Entei
4 growlth
3 arcainine                        19 poke'          

4 magmar
3 deruberu(2 lv.15,1 lv.22)
2 Herugaa

4 challenge
3 oak
4 +power
3 search                          21 trainers
3 energy retrivial
1 super energy retrivial
3 no removal gym

3 Evil                      20 enrgy
14 fire


hp:80                 basic fire poke'

poke'power run away:if entei takes damage(wether it's
ko'ed or not),flip a coin,if heads suffel entei in
your deck and all cards attached to it.this can't be
used if entei is asleep,confused or parilized.

RRR Fire protection(50):during your oppenet's next
turn,prevent all kinds of effects to your benched
retreat:*          weakness:water           resis:n/a

basick evil poke'               40 hp

C bite(10)
EC pilage(20):before you use this attack,discard any
trainers attched to the defending poke'

retreat:*         weakness:n/a            resis:psy

deruberu(lv.22)                basic fire poke'

R smog(10)flip a coin,if heads,the defending poke's

RR fire armor(20):take a fire enegy from the discard
pile and attach it to deruberu.

retreat:*        weakness:water         Resis:n/a

Herugaa       hp:70          stage-1(from

ECC Crunch(30):after your oppenet's turn,if you damage
the defending poke' with any of your poke' add 20

RRC Flametrower:discard a fire enrgy attached to

retreat:*       weakness:n/a      resis:psychic

super energy retrivail:discard 2 of the other cards in
your hand for up to 4 basic energy.

the strategy is to start off with entei or
magmar.while your doing this,charge up arcaine or
herugaa for loads of damage.

as you can predict,this took a lot of time to build
since 6 outta the 8 jap cards are holo.

round 1 vs.haymaker
  decklook:this is an ordainery deck with scythers
mags and electabuzzs.nothing special here!
     I draw a hand with 2 mags,2 growlth,3
fire,herugaa,2fire,and an evil energy.i start with
mag,benching the rest i drew.he started with a mag
active and an electabuzz benched.I lose the flip.He
attaches an energy to mag and used smokscreen.i drew a
challenge,played it and he accepted it(fool!)I bench a
entei and a dreubreu he loads his bench with
electabuzzs and 1 mag.Then i use smokescreen with a
heads.To make a very long story short,i get arcaine
fully powered and took out 2 poke'.electabuzz got
lucky with a heads,finishing my archine.i sent up a
herugaa with a evil enrgy and a DCE and used crunch 2
times.he sent out electabuzz and used tunderpunch with
a tails.(herugaa now has 60 damge on it)then i used
crunch for the ko thanks to a pluspower.(while herugaa
was fighting,i was powering up entei)then came out mag
and he ko's herguaa.out goes entei.I use a search to
get out my second +power and ko mag.Then he calls for
a forfeight. 

Round 2 vs. Wigglytuff deck
   Deck Look:Lucky for me,this person runs 4 Scyther
and a whole bunch of other haymaker poke'.
     Basicly,it was my derubera with 2 +powers and a
heads against his lone ditto.
W-2 L-0

Round 3 vs.Mulligain Mewtwo deck
       Deck look:3 Base Mewtwo,57 psychic energy.What
could be worse?
     I busted out Magmar against all his
barrier.Eventually,he fliped a tails and I smoged for
posin.It was all downhill for him,from there.

I battled a few other people.I had a lot of fun!

to gym challenge
to neo
to neo #2
to neo #3
to WWF
to Scott Gerthard for building wonderful decks,that
quikly be came arcythypes!
to Mike Paseo for building wicked decks!

none today

   My e-mail address is you
need your deck fixxed,I'll fix it.I'll be like Mike,a
personal deck mech. that always e-mails people back.
My Yahoo Messenger name is fan_of_hasek.Go figure.I'm
on at around 4:40 and 8:25.Thanks for reading!