(Lightning, Fire, Grass, Colorless)
Raleigh, NC 10/28/00
David Friedlander
15 participants, a once a month tourney

Hello Everybody!  I am here with another report.  (I did go to the STS
but didn't do so well, so I'm not
sharing =P).  I thought I'd do all right now, without a raindance.
Raindance has and is gonna get a beat
down with Team Rocket zapdos and wigglys.  I made a new deck, and got a
few people to review it and I
fixed it up to the following deck: (btw this deck is now complete yet)

Pokemon  (21)

2 Electabuzz
2 Chansey
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
4 Scyther
2 Fossil Magmar
2 Team Rocket's Zapdos
2 Erica's Dratini

Trainers # 22

3 Professor Oak
2 Bill
3 Computer Search
1 Goop Gas Attack
3 Item Finder
2 Nightly Garbage Runs
3 Gust of Wind
2 No Removal Gym
3 Pluspowers

Energy  (17)

4 Double Colorless Energy
7 Electric Energy
6 Fire Energy

Well, the strategy is basically to get a Wigglytuff out on turn 2 or 3.
He should get fully powered and with No
Removal gym, to make sure his DCE's aren't taken away.  The haymaker
pokemon are to stall for a
wiggly, or just destroy the opponent if they have a weakness.  The oaks
and bills get it some speed.

Here are the matches:
(sorry, I didn't take down many names)

Round 1: HayWiggly vs. David Deturte with a Raindance (come on kid, give
it up =P)

This kid was pretty good still using a raindance.  He got an easy kill
on my Wigglytuff, but I came back with
my electrabuzz and Team Rocket's Zapdos and I easily killed all of his
water pokemon.

Record: 1-0

Round 2: HayWiggly vs. Carson White

This game seemed in his favor until mid game.  I started with a few good
pokemon and was able to take
out his few good pokemon until he was left with a TR hitmonchan and an
Erica's Dratini.  I had a few basics
and a Scyther with 6 damage.  I benched the Scyther and sent someone
else out.  He was down to only one
prize and I slashed with my other Scyther so the Dratini had only 30
damage.  Somehow he draws an item
finder and gusts my Scyther for the win.  Later we looked at what was
left of his draw deck and he no
energy left, so I would've won otherwise =(.

Record: 1-1

Round 3: HayWiggly vs. Cheap Wiggly Deck (Daniel Deturte =P)

Daniel had me messed up at the beginning when he cut my deck.  I was
only getting basic pokemon.  His
cheap wiggly deck went through my basics and he won easily.  Believe me
everyone there asked why he
keeps playing that cheap wiggly junk.

Record: 1-2

At this point I was kinda mad at myself for being beat so badly at this
point and I said to myself I must win
the next 2 to get some prizes at all.

Round 4: HayWiggly vs. some zapdos deck

Wow, he had a zapdos deck, and I had tons of pokemon and a computer
search.  He got to go first, and
he started with fossil zapdos and a basic one on the bench.  He attached
an energy to the benched one and I
then went.  I had a pretty full bench.  I kept sending out different
pokemon like Magmar and Wigglytuff and
just creamed both zapdos'.  I then later looked at his deck and saw all
his basics were at the bottom. I

Record: 2-2

Round 5: HayWiggly vs. a psychic deck
This guy was so beaten in the beginning.  I had a way good hand with
many great trainers like bill and
oak.  He tried to send out a clefairy doll, but me and judge set the
ruling straight.  I won the coin flip, and
we all began.  I easily beat him by killing his mew and then his
stalling clefairy doll.  Won by lack of basics.

Record: 3-2
Prizes Won: 1 pack of gym Challenge and some experience (my rare card
was resistance gym, if you care
my mom for taking me
games galore for holding the tourney

Games Galore for not having more tourneys a month and for canceling all
tourneys till January
Rocket's Mewtwo
Daniel Deturte
Carson White
for getting a non Holo in my pack
my deck
Erica's Dratini
(OK enough slops, but I have way more)

Well, thank you all for reading my report, hope to see
you in Jersey!

See ya everyone,

David Friedlander
