Devastator (fire, electric, fighting
                     by Patrick (sent and edited by Trey)
                                Game Keeper
                              Tyson's corner VA
                            Oct 21 10:00-12:00
                                About 17 people

This is my first deck report on Pojo. I couldn't get to the league on time, 
but  I got there at quarter to eleven. Since I was late, I had to wait a few minutes to play because everyone had started playing already. Here's my deck.

Pokemon  15
3 machop
3 fossil magmar
3 hitmonchan
2 hitmonlee
2 electabuzz
2 scyther
Energy 24
9 fighting
5 electric
8 fire
Trainers 19
3 ER
3 bill
3 PP
1 scoop up

There's the deck after the league. I traded around a bit and managed to get another
Electabuzz and a Mr. Mime. I don't remember much of the first few battles.
Round 1 Vs Haymaker

This guy  wanted someone to beat him (Editor Trey's note: he's different) and since i beat his other deck last week, I decided to kick his butt again. He went first like I said. I don't remember very much, but all i know is that his Scyther killed my Fossil Magmar. He won 6 prizes to 3. :(
Record 0-1

Round 2 Vs Blaine Deck

She had just started at this league, so I though that this would be an easy win. I started with a Scyther and she started with  Blaine's Doduo and a benched Ponyta. I went first and CPU Searched for a Hitmonchan. I attached energy to him and passed. She played Chaos Gym  and slaps down Blaine to attach 2 fire energy to Ponyta. She retreats the Doduo and did 40 damage to Scyther. 
She flips tails and doesn't have to switch  the Ponyta with Blaine's Doduo. I go next and attach an energy to hitmonchan (Editor Trey's note: Next time retreat the Scyther Pat)  Next she killes Scyther and draws a prize. I go and 
Jab w/ a Plus Power. This goes on for along time and eventually i draw all my prizes. I won. Ha ha.
Record 1-1

Round 3 vs ???
This game came down to the wire. It was down to 1 prize a piece and i decked
out just as he drew his last prize. i lost :(
Record 1-2

Round 4 vs. Dark Blastoise Deck
(3 prizes cause 5 min left)
This game was short. He started w/ a Erika's Clefairy out and a Rocket's
Squirtle on the bench. I saw a Dark Blastoise in his hand when he braggingly showed it to someone. I had a Electabuzz out and a Magmar on the bench. He went first and attached a Water Energy to Clefairy and uses moonwatching(I don't know what the attack is, but he gets a water energy from his deck)(editor trey notes: i know what the attack is, and why would you waste a Water energy just to get another one?)  My turn. I attached electric energy to Electabuzz
and Thunder Shock w/ para. He goes and evolves into Dark Wartortal.  He attaches  water energy and passes. I thunder punch w/ heads for kill on Clefairy. I then kill the Dark Wartorle for the win. :)
Record 2-2

Round 5 dark blastoise deck (again)
 3 prizes
He starts w/ a Rockets Mewtwo and no bench. I start w/ Scyther and magmar on
the bench. He goes first and attaches energy to Mewtwo and passes. I go and attach DCE and passed. He passes again. I attach a fire energy and Slash. He goes and uses Juxtapose w/ tails so we don't switch damage counters. I go search for PlusPower, attach it, and slash for the win.
Record 3-2

Well i got my boulder badge and started to get my Promo Eevee.

Props and Slops
Props to me for getting my boulder badge
Props to no sore lossers
Slops to no one i knew for being there (sorry, I was at a tourament that I won)

This is patrick signing off. email me at or . Email Trey, the editor of this deck report for help or deck suggestions at . Look at Trey's deck reports in the October,  August, and July sections. He's written four.