Thunder swap the deck I used in which I came in first place at the Kennewick
Toys R us on 5\22\00. There was about 25 kids there.

2 Alakazam
3 Kadabra
4 Abra     ( 2 rocket 2 base)
2 Raichu    (both base)
3 pikachu    (all base)
1 Chansey
2 Electabuzz
4 (Promo) Mewtwo
2 Mr. Mime
Trainers: 15
3 gust of wind
3 item finder
3 pokemon center
1 Challenge!

3 bill
2 nightly garbage run
1 Potion energy
9 lightning
9 Psychic

Battle one vs blackout deck

I started out with 1 Electabuzz ,2 psy energy, 2 light energy and 2 Abras. I
attached a light energy to Electabuzz and Thundershock with paralization .
Then Thunderpunched to victory and he had no basics left.

Battle two vs Wiggly deck

I started out with pikachu, 4 lightning energy,  Abra, 1 psy energy. I
attached 1 lightning energy to pikachu then gnawed. he had no energy to
attach to his jigglypuff. Then I  thunderjolted after attaching a lightning
energy. He then attached a DCI and Pluspower and pounded for 30. I used
Potion energy , evolved and used agility. Then I attached a electric energy
and the rest was biblical.

Battle three vs water, electric deck
I started with no basics so he got to draw two extra cards. The next hand I
got I had 2 promo Mewtwos, 1 Abra, 1 Chansey and 3 psy energies. I attached
a psy to Mewtwo. He attached a lightning to his pikachu. I attached a DCI to
Mewtwo. He didn't do anything this turn but I attached a psy to Mewtwo and
psyburned for 40 damage. He still couldn't attack so I defeated his jungle
Pikachu. I switched Mewtwo with Electabuzz while he brought up his squirtle
while I Thundershocked with Par.. I then Thunderpunched him to the defeat of
his squirtle. He brought up another pikachu and I Thunderpunched for 40
while he attached a lightning energy. I then Thundershocked to another prize
for myself. He Then brought up a wartortle with 3 energy. He then used bite
for 40. I evolved a Kadabra into Alakazam and used damage swap to move it to
my Mewtwo and Thunderpunched for 30. He used bite and knocked out my
Electabuzz. I brought up my Mewtwo damage swapped to Alakazam. I used energy
absorption while he bit my Mewtwo for 40. I used psyburn and knocked out his
last pokemon.

    Props & Slops
PROPS to Toys R Us for having the tourney
PROPS to the kid who gave me an Electabuzz

SLOPS to Toys R Us for not having rocket boosters
Slops to the kid who took one of my Electabuzz's
