Hello Pojo!
This is The Puzzledogg....here with a deck report on what is possibly my favorite deck:
Puzzledogg's Potpourri!
3 Electabuzz
2 Fossil Magmar
2 Promo Mewtwo
2 Mr. Mime
2 Guraiga - from neo (Translation at bottom)
3 Jigglypuff
2 Wigglytuff
2 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Rocket Sneak Attack
2 Lass(yes...LASS!This card does kick @$$)
2 Computer Search
3 Energy Search
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Professor Oak
2 Rainbow Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
2 Fighting Energy
6 Electric Energy
6 Fire Energy
10 Psychic Energy
To get Electabuzz/Magmar/Jigglypuff out early, Then to fill up your bench
with more power till you get
Wigglytuff out and Do the wave for 60, Combining trainers is essential for this
deck(RSA/Lass is a GREAT combo!...especially if those are the only two trainers in
your hand!).
Also...Retreat!Retreat!Retreat! If your pokémon is damaged, DON'T LET IT DIE!
Retreat it if you can!
The event took place May 27,2000 at the Southfield,Mi. Toys r us for the
Pokémon League...about 25 people participated in the event
Match 1:
Me vs. Evan w/ a Water deck:
This was Evan's first day at the pokémon league, He started off with horsea
against my promo mewtwo...
I forgot most of this match but the game was good but he ran out of bench!...
he didn't draw any prizes unfortunately.
20 Points
Match 2:
Me vs. Dylan(Evan's Brother) w/ a Fire deck:
I was told before this match that he had 4 charizard's in his deck,
It didn't frighten me but I knew I would have
a tough challenge ahead...he started off with charmander which within a
few turns he evolved into charizard .
But the damage built up on charizard and the charizard only had two energy on
it when it was killed off..
it never had
the chance to attack ... he also ran out of bench.
Another win for me!
40 Points
Match 3:
Me vs. Lamar w/ a Water deck
He was able to get out gyarados early on but My Mr.mime stayed out and was able to
meditate till its close death..he
ended up having to retreat the gyarados and bring in something else
(Sorry,I forget what it was),
After a few turns it was k.o'ed and with 80 damage on it gyarados was brought
back out...but again...I win by lack of bench
on his side.
60 Points
Match 4:
Me vs. Colin w/ a Fire/Fighting deck
Quick loss for me! it was promo mewtwo(no bench) against his charmander,
He evolved to Dark charmeleon and Fireball succeeded....K.O.
70 Points
Match 5:
Me vs. Colin (different deck)
A lot of damage was done to me by mid-game,I forget a lot that happened in this
match but It was a tough
match... I ended up losing.
80 Points
Final: 3-2-0
Well,I had fun!My deck did quite well...better than I expected!
Now...its time for Props & Slops
To all of my competitors for playing good,solid games
To Matthew for trading a vending promo slowbro and vending promo poliwhirl
for one of my computer error promo's!
To the kids that steal the promo card out of the GB-TCG guide for leaving one
copy of the book with the promo venusaur still in tact!
To toys r us for having NO BOOSTERS
To toys r us for not having the rainbow badge in!
Guraiga Translation:
Type: Basic Fighting Pokemon
LV.31, HP 60
F: Poison Sting: 10
  Effect: Flip a coin.  If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now
CC: Slash: 20
(No) Retreat
G Weakness
F Resistance (Damage -30)
No. 207 (Common)

Also..I cant forget to say....POJO ROCKS!
Now..I say goodbye...........goodbye
p.s. Hi Jesse!