Hey Pojo,this is Will Harrison with a brand new deck idea that I think is pretty good ,here are the cards that  are in my deck,"elemental blast-off!";


Lugia x 4 (your main attacker/wall)

fossil zapdos x 3 (bench hitter!)

fossil moltres x 3 ( not for stalling unless you  want to lose by decking)

fossil articuno x 3( your second main attacker and bench hitter!)

13 pokemon total!


2 x bill (two cards? why thank you Bill!)

2 x bills transport machine (good card,coin flips suck though=)

CPU search x 3 (find Lugia!)

Golden nut x 2 (heal lugia for a stall)

Master ball x 3 (find bench backup!)

Professor Utsugi x 3 (better than oak?Yes!)

11 trainers total!

Stadium cards!

Ecola gym x 2 (keep energy in the hand!)

2 stadium card total!


Rainbow energy x 2 (help Lugia out!)

water energy x 9

fire energy x 9

Lightning energy x 9

29 energy total!

Now for the translations;

Ecola gym,When a basic energy card is discarded by an opponents attack,poke power , or trainer card,return that card to your hand.

Professor Utsugi ,Shuffle your hand into your deck ,then draw 7 cards, Until the end of your opponents next turn,you cannot play a trainer card.

Master Ball ,Look at the top 7 cards of your deck,if thier are any basic of evolution pokemon in those seven cards,choose 1 of them and put it in your hand,shuffle your deck afterwards.

Golden nut (item,stays on till it is used),Attach this card to one of your pokemon that does not have an item card already on it, At the end of any turn,if your pokemon has 4 or more counters on it,take off up to 4,do not discard this card till used or till pokemon is ko'ed.

Bills transport maching,Flip a coin,If heads,draw 4 cards.

Lugia , 90 hp , Weakness,psychic,resistance, fighting,    1 water 1 fire 1 lightning energy,Elemental Blast,90,discard 1 water fire or lightning card on lugia in order to use this attack.2 retreat.


The matchs!

this tourney was held on apprentice at www.pokearena.com   on wendsday may 24th of 2000, there were 16 people i think.now on to the matchs!

Round 1,Me vs  haymaker.

Oh i hate fighting these things,very predictable,good thing this deck is hay,maker proof! i start out with a lugia and 2 moltres on my bench,he has a hitmonchan and a hitmonlee,i get the coin flip,draw a pro. Utsugi and put a lightning on lugia.He goes puts a fighting energy on hitmonchan,and then realizes he is screwed.My turn, i draw my ecola gym  put it out,and put a water energy on lugia,only having a utsugi and another water,I use utsugi and get my 2 bill's machines 2 fire a G nut and 2 lightning,i switch the turn,he puts on 2 plus powers and jabs for 10 damage.i draw,get another ecola,put on a fire,and E blast for the ko.he goes,puts a fighting on hitmonlee and switchs,i put on an fire  and Eblast for the win!


round 2

Me vs  raindance

I start with lugia , and a zapdos,poor guy only has a seel,he goes,puts an water on seel and headbutts,i go,put on a water,he goes headbutts again,a slap a lightning on,and he goes,he gets dewgong,but only 1 energy on,a draw a bills machine,get he heads,and luckily,i get a fire and E blast for the win.



Me vs alakazam stall,

Tough match since I only had lugia  and he had a mewtwo movie promo and a abra,he gets the coin flip,and oaks right after he puts on an energy.

i go,put a lightning on,he goes does energy absorb,i am thinking,i am screwed if i don't get something here,well,i didn't,i switch turns and let hiim psyburn me to heck.

2-1 over all

Not a bad tourney,i got a booster of rocket for getting second,The point of this deck is to attack with lugia while sometimes bringing in the bird trio as backup,

Slops and Props;

slops to the small tourney

props for the prize9 i got a dark charizard out of my booster)

email me at gex45631@yahoo.com  for any advise on this deck,bye!