Hey Pojo! I just got back from a tournament at Name of the Game in San
Diego, California. It was DCI sanctioned, and about eight people showed up.
Admission was $5 for each person, and the people that showed up were OK.
Anyways, here's my deck...

Copy-Cat Central 2: Ditto's Revenge


4 Ditto
4 Electabuzz
4 Scyther


4 Scoop-up
4 Gust of wind
4 Pluspower
4 Bill
3 Professor Oak
3 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Itemfinder
1 Computer Search


17 Lightning Energy (The Rock still loves Lightning energy)
4 Double Colorless Energy

The goal of this deck is to lay the Smackdown with Electabuzz + pluspower
or stall with scyther + Scoop-up. Ditto seems to show up in my starting
hand all the time, so he is there for starting off the game. This is, of
course, how I play the deck and is not necessary if anyone else decides to
play it.

We played two-out-of-three style, and each of us played four games. In the
very end, the person with the least losses wins. Heres my report....

Round one: verses Jason
Jason was playing a "bench destroyer" deck with a lot of Dark Raichus.
(even though i saw only one)
Game one: I start out a Ditto and he starts out a Movie Promo Pikachu. I go
first, and use an energy to do recharge. He puts an energy on a fossil
Zapdos then passes to me. I attach an energy and thunderbolt pikachu,
taking a prize. he puts an energy on Zapdos then Oaks. He benches another
pikachu(same one) and passes. I draw a DCE and play it on Ditto. He puts
another energy on zapdos, then i draw a computer search, and play it taking
a DCE. I thunderstorm, getting tails. He goes and puts an energy down(same
attack, but I had no bench.)I draw an electabuzz and put an energy on him,
then knock his zapdos. he put an energy out and my ditto was knocked out
because of five damage counters. I placed electabuzz with 2 pluspowers
givin' me the win.
Game two: this game was very quick. on turn two, i used surprise thunder
against a raichu(i had ditto out), with 4 pluspowers ,thanks to computer
searches and itemfinders.

Score: 2-0

Round two: verses Dallas(AKA D. Dalton)
Dallas was playing a sponge deck, with a little more basics than the
original version.
Game one: I start the Legendary Buzz, (electabuzz= i just call him that) ,
and so does he. This game went on forever, because I tried to stall him for
his mistake of two or three oaks on turn one. he then energy absorbed a
couple of times before I knocked out his Mewtwo, then he was forced to put
out his last basic,  Scyther. I had used all my pluspowers trying to take
down his mewtwos, but he kept retreating till' i finally finished them all
off. His Scyther was fully charged and had no damage on it.... I was
worried, but he didnt get any more basics, so i won.
Game two: This was a very, VERY sssslllloooowwww one. Niether one of us
oaked or billed the whole game , and I could'nt find any energy to attack.
But, luckily for me, he went first giving me more cards in my deck. I
finally got energy, and thundershocked my way to victory(+++). (nothing
happened that whole game)

Score: 4-0

Round three: verses Sean(AKA S. Anderson)
Sean was playing pretty much the same thing as Hay2K, just with different
Game one: I start out a Scyther and he puts out a Likitung. He won the
coinflip and tounge wrapped me for paralysis. I draw a scoop up and play an
energy, then pass. He oaks twice, and benches a couple of electabuzzes.
Tounge wrap for paralysis again. I drew energy, and played it. he tounge
wrapped again for paralysis! I drew another energy, and played it. He
scooped up Likatung and put out an Electabuzz,
thunderpunching for the win...
Game two: I start a Ditto and he starts a scyther and Magmar. He went first
and oaked a couple of times on first turn, benching a scyther. my poor
ditto was smokescreened...(I always get tails with that)I attempted to
smokescreen, but like i said, i always get tails with that... He goes and
puts an energy on, then Smogs for poison. I drew a scoop-up, but what good
was it when Ditto was my last basic? I ended up losing because of poison.

Score: 4-2

Round four: verses Stephen
Stephen was playing a Charizard deck with both kinds of Charizards in in
Game one: I placed out an Electabuzz, and he started with three
charmaders.(base-set) I thundershocked each one of them, not paralyzing any
of them, so he retreated over and over again. He got a Charizard out pretty
early, but my ER's and SER's took it down swiftly. All he had left was a
Fossil Magmar, and I thunderpunched it twice for the win.
Game two: This was a wierd one. I had Electabuzz and he had a Ditto. So, I
searched my deck(Computer Search) for an Oak and played it. I decked myself
first turn, but I got four pluspowers and thundershoched for
paralysis.(Ditto died because of that.)

Final Score: 6-2
Well, I got second, but thats not that bad...I bought four team Rocket
Packs and only got one Arbok holograph...
I had fun, but my older cousin Derek was still not there, and I had to take
his place at intimidating everyone all day...By the way, my real name is
Ben Johnson, and I've been mentioned on a couple of other reports from
people that come to Name of the Game.(D.Dalton, S. Anderson, and W. Myers).

Now for Props and Slops...
Props to Ditto for being so aggressive(its a joke)
Props to Smash Brothers for being an awesome game
Props to The Rock for being the coolest man alive
Props to me for takin' Derek's place

Slops to Derek for not being there.
Slops to Sean for copying other people's decks(he's not creative)

        If ya got any questions or comments concerning my deck(or if you
like it), email me a bcjohnson21@hotmail.com

 I hope this gets posted!! Later,
                                The Rock