Yo POJO!!! This is Strike reporting from an internet tourney that Mwsmagmar
held on May 27, 2000 at http://mwssonline.homestead.com/MAIN.html.There was
only 8 people in the tourney. It was standard with no archtypes allowed, and
no wigglytuffs or promo mewtwos were allowed. Thiss tournament was single
elimination as well.

Hit and Run

Pokemon: 18
4 tr abra
3 Dark Kadabra
3 Dark Alakazam
4 Fossil Gastly
4 Scyther

Trainers: 26
4 Bill
3 Oak
3 Computer Search
4 energy removal
2 super enregy removal
3 lass
2 pokemon trader
2 energy retreival
1 nigthly garabge run
2 scoop-up

energy: 16
16 psy energy

This is the new version of the old hit and run deck. I wanted to take this
for a test drive to see how well it oculd perform. I didn't expect to get
the win, but odd things happen.........

Round 1 vs. KWC with haymaker..
   KWC had an unusal deck with hitmonchans, electabuzz, and machops. I start
out with a gastly and abra, KWC start hitmonchan. I got the flip and licked
him for 20 and paralyze. It seemed like KWC was in trouble since he was
saying oh crap and dang n' stuff like that. In 5 turns I had a fully Pumped
Dark Alakazam and plenty of scythers for backup. I quickly use multiple
teleport blasts on the hitmonchans and use a teleport blast then a mindshock
next turn on buzzes. The end result was that I got all my prizes without
losing any of my pokemon in the process.:)

Round 2 vs. Pokemon_Master and illegal deck
     I had a lonely abra vs. his chansey and lost the flip. He goes and lays
Promo Mewtwo down. I tell magmar and Pokemon_Master is disqualified.(At
least Master got points tohugh). Pokesk8er and Vegeta7282(hope I got the
numbers right) we're still battling so I had to wait 20 minutes for that
match to end.

Final Round vs. Vegeta7282 and ditto maker
     I see big trouble when he gets a ditto and i have 2 gastly and nothing
else. Vegeta quickly licks me into paralyzation. It was licks back and forth
until he finally got my gastly with pluspowers. I had a gastly again and a
abra as backup. I get a lass and drill his hand which had A LOT OF
TRAINERS!!!!!!!!!! The next turn I get my buddy professor oak and go on the
attack with scythers and gastlys. I use Dark Kadabras to mindshock his
scythers twice and super energy remove it as well. I get a dark alakazam and
destroyed his ditto and scyther. All Vegeta haas left is his other ditto
with no energy. I also had a lass on hand but I realized vegeta had only 2
cards in his hand. I can either waste a card and shuffle all my trainers
back, or stop any important trainers. I decide to use lass and find out that
he had an item-finder and energy just waiting to be used. Vegeta gets
screwed and I simply teleport blast his last ditto for the win.

     I got more than I expected and realize Dark Alakazam is worth using in
psychic decks. If only I could modify the deck more..............  If anyone
wants to comment me on my deck, or would like to give me advice on how I
should improve it, give me an e-mail at DJD59@hotmail.com

Until my next report this is Strike signing off for Pojo online!!!!