the tournament took place in westland michigan at the baily center on the
27th of may about 10-15 people participated in this tournament

(1)rocket grimer
(2)dark muk
(2)dark weezing

(4)pluse power
(3)pro. oak
(2)scoop up
(2)computer search
(2)pokemon trader
(2)the boss's way
(2)nightly garbage run

(19)grass energy
(4)double colorless

with this deck i fought oddjobgold's deck (look at may 2000 killer decks)
and lost but i came really close to beating him it was four prizes to
one, but i had no bench so i lost.
i fought some kid named arron and beat him he was using a grass and psy
deck with dark glooms and dark slowbro
i beat him because he forfited the game because i was beating him really
bad and i told him to keep playing but he said no because i would win.
i fought some other kid(name unknowen) he had no bench with a grimer out
and i also had a grimer out with a boss's way in my hand with 2 pluse
powers, so i attached an energy to my grimer and paralyzed his,on my next
turn i drew my card then used the boss's way i had i got a dark muk and
played it on grimer then attacked a grass energy on him and played 2
pluse powers and killed him with no bench(good thing he didnt get out his
venasaurs  (= )

the deck i used is called DRAK POISON
this deck i used was my own
i got to the third round out of four with a one loss elimenation

name: b-houseboy