The tourney was held in Orange county CA at Zany Brainy on 5/13/00 at 10:00
About 20 people were in it.
Electric Bug Deck:

X8 grass energy
X10 electric energy
X1 Dark dragonair
X1 Venomoth
X2 weedle
X2 kakuna
X2 caterpie
X1 venonat
X1 metapod
X2 magnemite
X1 pikachu
X2 dratini
X1 pinsir
X2 muk
X1 dragonite
X2 chansey
X1 butterfree
X3 grimer
X1 zapdos
X2 scyther
X1 electabuzz
X1 kangaskhan
X2 beedrill
X1 magneton
X1 ditto
X1 super energy removal
X1 the bosses way
X1 pokedex
X1 here comes team rocket
X1 defender
X1 plus power
X1 energy retrieval
X1 bill

1st round vs. John w/ water/fire deck
Although it's kinda pathetic to win like this,the only reason I won was
because he only had a rattata to start with. I got a weedle and venonat,and
electabuzz as my pokemon. I picked electabuzz and put an e energy on him. I
also used plus power. I got heads so rattata was paralyzed. So again my turn.
John had no more pokemon and I finished it off.

2nd round vs amanda w/ colorless deck
Okay. As you could probably tell she was a beginner. I got 2 grimers and a
weedle as my pokemon. I played a grimer and put down 1 and weedle too. Amanda
had a jigglypuff and a meowth down. She went first this time. She didn't have
any energy but she played bill but still none. I put a g energy on grimer and
used nast goo and didn't paralyza jiggly. Dang! She put an energy on jiggly
and grimer fell asleep. Lucky for me  it woke up next turn. Phew. I drew Dark
Muk! I attached anothe g energy on grimer and evolved it. I used sludge punch
and with the poison leaving jiggly with 10 hp. It used lullaby but died my
turn. I got a prize. Surprisingly each match only hav 2 prizes. I thing there
was a time shortage or something. so here comes meowth.She put a double
collorless energy on meowth and used pay day and got a card. So,my muk woke
up and I drew plus power I played zapdos and used sludge punch. It ook 40
damage. So it evolved into dark persian and gave me the poison claw. Muk was
poisoned but next turn I used sludge punch and it also got some damage from
the poison and I won!

2nd to last round vs Gerald w/ fighting/fire deck
Great. Fire and fighting my decks worst nightmare. Figures I only got weedle.
He used fossil magmar and he also went first. He used plus power doing 30
damage to weedle. I drew and put a g energy on weedle but it failed because
of smokescreen. Of course I lost. But for getting 3rd place I got a rocket
