Game Empire in San Diego
12:00pm on Sunday may 20th

this wasnt a huge tourney this month only 8 people well heres my deck a
sponge variant:

3 electabuzz(base)
2 ditto
2 promo mewtwo(movie)
1 mew
1 likitung
2 scyther
1 Rainbow energy
7 psy energy
6 lightning energy
3 energy retrivals
3 bill
4 oak
3 ER
3 scoop up
3 plus power
2 comp seach
3 item finder
1 fuji
1 lass

round 1 Vs Thomas with a raindance deck

man this kid didn't know what raindance decks work on (He had only 19 water
energy and like 8 basics!) and he really annoyed me before the tournament
I won the coin toss so I went first.
I started with a ditto and an eletabuzz, he starts with articuno and
magikarp.  I send out the ditto attach an energy and pass, he puts down a
water energy and passes. I put down a DCE and a Pr. Mewtwo then freeze dry,
no paralyzation.  He goes and puts down a water energy on articuno evovles
his magikarp into a Dark Gyrados and passes.  I attach an energy to the buzz
and freeze dry no paralisis.  He goes puts another one energy down freeze
drys for 3 turns straight until he flips tails so he KO'ed my ditto, i send
out electabuzz and tore him apart within 1 min of him killing my ditto, and
easy win(note: he never got a blastoise OR squirtle out....)

2nd round me Vs. This old lady with a electric deck
oy I knew this was going to take forever! this lady played my friend on turn
1 and she took the whole hour time limit.
I went first again( I got lucky with coin flips today) she starts with 2 base
zapdos and me a ditto, not good if she can get enough energy on
I wont go into detail in this match but ditto just KO'ed all of her Zapdos
and 1 buzz, she never got enough energy on anything becuase of my ER's and
SER's eventually I win after like 40 min.

3rd round Vs. ? with a sponge/potpourri variant
This guy was tough, His deck was built very good and it would beat me if I
didn't think.
I lost the toss this time he started with a Electabuzz and a Pr. Mewtwo and
me a ditto a scyther and a mew.
This game went slow, both of use drew no oaks or bills and barely any energy.
 after 3 turns i got a charged ditto against his buzz and mewtwo, I gust out
the mewtwo for a KO.  He sends out buzz thunder punches landing on tails.  I
thunder punch back with a heads.  He does the same and gets tails again, then
he forfeits the match.

Round 4 Vs. Kendrick Ton with his '5 color' potpourri variant
Me and Kendrick are friends and we HATE playing each other in Tourneys
becuase we are equaled in skill
This game went back and forth all the way to the end, he had 2 prizes i had 1
left.  I thunder punch his buzz for 40.  He attachs and energy and Thunder
punchs me back for 40, KO'ing my buzz.  I send out another buzz and use
thunder punch and i say thats game I WON. I go to the judge and tell him I
won, later kendrick finds out and he said he won since I decked myself, we
get into an arguement and the judge Disqualifys that round for us becuase no
one else was paying close attention to what was going on.

round 5 vs. Shawn? with sponge
I played him before the tourney and beat him so i feel confident.
This game went pretty fast he had 2 promo mewtwos out against my ditto.  I
psyburn those 2 for some fast kills then he sends out a buzz and we exchange
thunder punchs when the electricity cleared ditto prevails and i win.

Final round Vs. Kendrick for 2nd
well this match was boring since kendrick took like 5 min to attach one card.
 After awhile we are close to beating each other and I comp seach hmmm there
was like 5 psy energys a Rainbow energy and a ditto.  Kendrick owed his
friend some stuff so I forfeit so his friend wont get pissed at him.

Props and Slops

Props to Game Empire for holding the tourney
Props to Scott for making this deck
Slops to that old lady for taking so long
Slops to the idiot judge who called my 4th round match wrong
Slops to GE for not having a 3rd place prize
Slops to kendrick for whinning about how he thought he won
Slops to Ray Valero for not showing up at the tourney
Slops to all the people who said my lucky coin is rigged

well thats all for now I may start writing reports for when i go to the
pokemon league in the future til then cya

Stephen 'The DraG0N'
email me if you have any comments or anything about me or my deck(no email
about round 4)