Toys 'R' Us
                            West Palm Beach Fl (561) 689-2401
                           Sat. May 27,2000
                                about 15 people
                     started @9:30a.m. but got there at 10:15

               This is my second report i've done for PoJO. I just wanna say
that pojo is the best up to date pokemon website ever. You can check my other
report in the May 2000 reports. Once a-gain i was playing my "Turbo Wiggly"
deck, not with fighting pokemon, but with psychic pokemon, yes psychic(I like
psychic Wiggly better than fighting, sorry scott).Japanese cards were
allowed. Once a-gain it did quite well and i made some adjustments. Hope you
like it. Now the deck list of.... Wiggly and It's 'Tuff Friends

Wiggly & It's Tuff Friends v1.5
4 Movie Promo Mewtwo
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Scyther
4 Computer Search
4 Gust of Wind
4 Bill
3 Professor Oak
3 Lass
3 Plus Power
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Item Finder
1 Challenge

17 Psychic Energy


                I bought another booster pack at Toys R Us a-gain but when we
left. I am going to keep on making changes to my deck. Like adding more
Challenge! Well this is what i have now. Play testing it will make it even
stronger.I like it how it is now, but look forward for some changes in my
deck. Now without further delay the "Tournament".

Round 1vs.kid with Psychic deck

      Now i've learned never to underestimate your opponent, cuz that's what
i did.I thought i had this won but. it was jiggly active with mewtwo on bench
with him having Ditto active with a rocket mewtwo on bench. to make a very
long story short, i knocked out his mewtwo and 3 other pokemon but his ditto
gave me some major problems with him turning all of the Psychic energys into
potion energies. i decked myself and he won. I guess i never win in first
W:0 L:1

Round 2 vs. Manuel with fire evolution deck.
            Yes this was the one from last week that beat me. it was his lone
rocket dratini to jiggly.i put it to sleep and then he challenged me and i
said no(since what happened last week).he drew 2 cards then evovled then used
his pokemon power to search for team rockets dragonite.then he got fossil
magmar, dark  charmander, licitung,on the bench. i gusted out charmander then
pounded.i had a full bench from an oak.he passed and i knocked out
charmander. then i evolved jiggly and with the help of plus powers i finished
him of. what a match!
W:1 L:1

Round 3vs. Oscar with grass deck

         This was easy!i started with movie mewtwo with jiggly on bench to
his lone bulbasaur. i go first. i attach energy to mewtwo then go. he
attaches energy to bulbasaur and says to go. it kepps going like
this.Bulbasaur is powered up then he was going to evolve but then decided not
to. big mistake also he didn't attack. i attach energy then psyburn for the
win!That was easy!
W:2 L:1

Round 4 vs.kid with jap. grass deck.

               ok. i start with jiggly to his i don't know.ok. to make this
story short, i knocked out 4 pokemon and him 2. Then my dad said we had to
go! i had to forfeit but i would have won.
in my opinionW:3 L:1 but officially W:2 L:2

 another day at Toys R Us. I bought a rocket booster and got a non holo
dugtrio.i got a challenge! in the booster! i hope i got that booster before
the pokemon league started. oh well i'll put it in next week.
          Now it's time for Props and Slops.
Props to my dad for driving me
Props to McDonalds for making such good cinnamon rolls
Props to Manuel for another great match
Props to Jiggly and Wiggly for being so good
Props to Plus Power for being there right when i neede it
Slops to that kid that beat me
Slops to ditto for being so annoying
Slops to that kid that didn't want to play me because i beat him last week

Questions?Comments?Ideas for this deck? send them all, plus hate e-mail to: