Okay Pojo its me again,
There was a tournament at Intergalactic Traders in Houston, TX on May 14. I made a deck which I think is better than my previous deck Haymaker Assault.. Its also a deck I sent to this guy who needed a better deck. The tournament was a single elimination and this is how it went:

Primitive Assault


4 Scyther
4 Mr.Mime
3 Hitmonchan
2 Chansey
3 Kangaskhan


4 Bill
1 Prof Oak
2 Comp Search
3 Pokeball
4 Scoop Up
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Super Energy Retrieval
2 Switch
2 Gust of Wind
2 FULL HEAL (Most people thing its useless but I hate paralysis with Mr.Mime!!!)


10 Psychic Energy

10 Grass Energy

6 Fighting Energy

4 Double Colerless Colorless

Round 1
Match: Kevin Fire Fighting
I started with 2 Hitmonchans 1 Prof Oak 1 Chansey and 3 fighting. I put Hitmonchan as my active and the rest on my bench. He had a Charmander as active and he had a base Magmar on his bench. I flipped and he went first. He never got any energy so he cursed alot! And then I got fighting and psy energies and eventually fainted all his Pokemon. He only had 2 out so it was pretty short.

Round 2

Match: Kyra Colorless
When we flipped I saw her coin, it was a double headed coin, I told the judge and she was disqualified, she was pissed. :-) Got to stay out!

Round 3
Match: Peter Psychic Grass
This dude was weird, he said he has the best strategy and he had all thes! e grass Pokemon with weaknesses than. This guy starts out with Squirtle as his active and a Poliwag as his benched. *laugh* Okay.. in my hand I got, 2 Double Colorless energies, one grass, Gust of Wind, and Scoop Up. I start first and attach a grass to Scyther and then dance. This guy attached a water energy to Squirtle and attacks me taking off 10 HP with no paralysis. I draw a Bill and then attach a Double Colorless energy to Scyther and Slash killing him. He then sends out Poliwag and attaches a water energy and Water Guns me for 10. I then do Swords Dance and use Bill. I get a Super Energy Removal. I attach a Double Colorless to Hitmonchan and then SER him discarding one energy and then discarding Hitmonchan's Double Colorless. I then Dance. He attaches a water energy to Poliwag and waterguns for 10, the he says, "oh no". I then draw a Fighting Energy and Slash for the win!

I won 2 Neo Boosters, 2 Base Bosters, 1 Jungle, 1 Fossil
In Neos I got that Onix guy and! that the stage 2 form of Waninko. In base I got Alakazam and Venuial>                                                   Props to Justin Smith on his psychic deck he made me                                          Props to Haymaker decks for being a good deck for a while, I'm switching to Psychic Stall.
                               &nb! sp;                

Ok Pokemon fans, you can e-mail me about anything, at pokemon_trainer_jason@hotmail .com