
4 fossil magmars
4 electabuzz
3 scyther
3 jigglypuff
3 wigglytuff


4 energy removal
4 bill
2 oak
1 challenge!
2 pluspower
2 energy retrieval
1 here comes team rocket!


10 fire
8 electric
5 grass
1 full heal energy

Last weekend I played a tournament at Castle Comics in Hillsboro, OR, about
45 people showed up
and I placed 4th, but you dont want to hear about that, anyway here are some
of the matches I faced. Keep in mind that the store owner let us use any
cards we wanted, as long as we could provide translations for the cards.

1st round against a kid with raindance

 We started and I won the flip I had 3 fire energies,1 magmar,1 electabuzz,
here comes the rockets and an oak. I used HCTR, we flipped our prizes. I put
out magmar and energy and smokescreened the base sqirtle he put out. he
goes,he trys to hit my magmar and misses. my turn, I draw a plus power, yes!
another energy on magmar and pluspower and I smog him for 30. that was his
only basic so I win!

2nd round against my brother with haymaker

I'll sum this one up because it took a long time, like 40 min. or something
but the sad thing is that I lost! I never lose against my brother! near the
end I was hurting 'cause the only thing I had left were wigglies and
jigglies and electabuzzes against his powered up hitmonchans! my wiggly was
out against his Rocket's Hitmonchan and I sorely lost 'cause I only had 1
energy on wiggly and my brother roasted my pokemon with his magnum punch for
50 damage, I had three prizes and he had one prize left so he won.

So basically this is a versatile deck with many strengths and few weaknesses
I suggest using this deck against anyone but haymaker and mime decks.I'll
see you guys next time. later!

contact me at: ericryder@usa.net

                - Spyder