Deck: Brainshock 2
Creator: Matt Frazier
Tournament: Pokemon League at Northlake Mall, Atlanta Georgia

Hey, PoJo! Matt Frazier here, with a deck report. I decided, after changing
my deck constantly after battle, to use a deck for one whole session.
Psychic still remains a top type with the arrival of Rocket. When Rocket
came out, I saw Dark Golduck and thought how great he would would be in my
Psyshock deck me and my Bro made ( my Bro won a tourney with it. Read the
report in the Febuary section.) It was not until I read Justin Smith's
Goldenpsy 007, that I decided how to implement him. This deck is sort of an
offensive version of Goldenpsy 007, but with more of a Brainshock twist.
Here it is.

Brainshock 2

19 Psychic Energy
3  Double Colorless

3 Psyduck (2 TR, 1 F)
3 Dark Golduck

3 Abra (2 TR, 1 Basic)
3 Kadabra
2 Alakazam

3 Mr. Mime
3 Movie Mewtwo
2 Gastly(F)
3 Chansey

3 Scoop Up
3 S.E.R
2 Pokemon Center
2 E.Retrieval
2 Gambler

This deck, like all Brainshocks, has five options to pursue during battle.
This flexibilty, I believe, makes this deck more resistent to Metagame, and
a lot more fun to play.

#1 Stall
As all stall  decks with Alakazam, this deck can use curative trainers to
run the opponent out of cards. When playing this strategy, try to keep
Chansey put, Scooping, then sending out Gastly, retreating him, and sending
out Chansey again, scrunching repeatedly. An alternative is keeping out
Mime, then swapping damage to Chansey, and healing him. Against other stall
decks, we have Gambler, to defend against decking, and Golduck for other

#2 Mime Time
This technique is to attack with Mime and SERs to pound the opponent into
the ground, steadily shifting damge to Chansey, and healing him. The
opponent will eventually either deck, or run out of Pokemon.

#3 Cleaner
Like the Cleaner deck in Philosophy, you slowly beat down with Gastlys and
TR Abras and clean up with Chansey with DBCS energy. This strategy is
usually a last resort, or against heavy-hitting decks with big evolutions.

#4 Beatdown
A very interesting option, using Golducks and Movie Mewtwos to steadily
crush the opponent with the aid of SERs and Damage Swap.

#5 Sponge
This deck, under tough circumstances, can function as an incomplete Sponge,
using Gastlys to Build and stall, then destroying with Movies Mewtwo's

This section is to help you to know what to do against different
Archeetypes. If your getting bored, just skip this and go to the Report, but
those curious enough, I hope this helps.


Against Haymakers (which represents 75 percent of the competition), stick
with the Mime Time strategy, dont try to stall or beatdown, as Haymakers are
built to counter these strategies. This strategy prevents Scyther and Mime
from attacking, and prevents Hitmonchan and Electabuzz from fighting at
their full potential.


Against Raindance, definitely stall, stall, stall! Because Raindance burns
up the deck quickly, stalling quickly runs Raindance out cards, winning you
the game.


ALWAYS use Golduck versus ANY colorless Pokemon, and Fire Pokemon. With
Damage Swap and Golduck's Super Psy, Wigglytuffs and fossil Magmars are
quick history. With rest of the Pokemon, use the Mime Time strategy.


Also use Golduck against other Stall decks, and against Mimes use Gastlys.
If it comes down to a Stall-a-thon, use Gamblers to ensure your opponent
will run out of cards before you.


Use Dark Golduck to kill Lickitungs and Arcanines, and use Chanseys to
finish up.

And now, finally, on to the report!

When I got to Pokemon league, I noticed my friend Daniel was back for the
first time in 2 months. After we reminisced about times gone by when we were
beginners, I challenged him to a match.

Brainshock 2 V.S Daniel's All-Stars deck

Daniels deck is original, and it seems to me like it has no weakness, so I
knew it would be long, tough match, with my chanseys versus his Articunos,
Scythers, and Pinsirs. We both started with crappy hands, me with two
Chanseys, him with two Scythers. I went first, and attached a DBL Colorless
Energy to Chansey and scrunched. After 20 or so turns with no action, we
both agreed to shuffle our decks to liven things up. He began to power up
his bench, and I sacrificed a Chansey to kill his first basic (we still had
our starters out after 20 turns) He then brought out a Ditto and Scrunched.
After we Scrunched each other for several turns, I Double Edged Ditto. He
scrunched again, failing. I scooped up Chansey, and sent out Mr.Mime, Koing
Ditto. He then sent out Chansey, and scrunched. The next turn I drew and
Abra (I had 2 Alakazams, 3 Kadabras, but no Abras). I benched him, and said
go. He retreated Chansey, sent out Scyther, Gusted out Chansey, and slashed.
I evolved to Kadabra, and said go. He slashed again. I drew my card, evolved
into Alakazam, and scooped Chansey, sent Mime, and Meditated. After several
turns with no gain for him, he conceded.

After I finished, I got up and did some trading. Then me and some of the
other elite players sat down, and we watched Daniel and my other friend
Jeremy play. Out of curiousity my Bro asked if they had any first-edish
packs left. The lady who runs league said yes, and said she would go get
some. After we told we were broke, she said OK and went back to Stamping
books. After a while, I challenged my Bro to a game. He plays a Dark
Charizard deck I built. Don't laugh, it is really lethal.

Brainshock 2 V.S Dark Charizard deck

I played him THREE times, and he beat my lone Abras every time with his
Electabuzzes. Argh

I then did my usual deck fix, as the Lady who runs it has me do deck fixes
every session, and gives me 100 extra points at the end. After that, I went
back to see Daniel, who said he was going to challenge Chris, a Haymaker
player. To my suprise, he said he lost three times. I then decided to take
Chris on myself.

Brainshock 2 V.S Haymaker

I started out with a crappo-matic hand, but apparently he did, too, so I
thought maybe I had chance. I started with Chansey, and Gastly, who would be
my two vital tools in this game. I scrucnhed with Chansey, until he gusted
out Gastly and Thunder Punched him. I scooped up Gastly and Scrunched with
Chansey. After turn, after turn of near defeat, I slowly ran him closer and
closer to decking. He needed one prize, and had three cards left in his
deck. Just then, we were interrupted to find out from the Lady that we, the
Elite players, were being made Gym leaders, and getting shirts and stamps
and all the trimmings, by the store because of our helping the younger kids.
Cool, I thought, but back to the game. Chansey was 40 HP away from me losing
the game, and his Electabuzz could kill him next turn. So I scrunched, but
to no avail. He then killed chansey and won the game. Oh well, maybe next
time. I have to show what a REAL Haymaker can do. Heh,heh.

Well, I started packing, and just as I walked out, the Lady told me to stop.
I waited while she stamped some books, and to my suprise she handed me two
First-Edition Rocket Packs. I was dazed for a second, and asked her what
were they were for. She said they were for us, and me and my Bro thanked
her, and left.

Thanks for reading this LONG report(it took an hour to write), and good luck
to all those who never give up against all odds.

Time for PROPS and SLOPS
I'll do Slops first!
Slops to Daniel for losing to Chris
Slops to me  for losing to Chris

Props to Chris, for winning
Props to The Lady, for making us Gym Leaders
Props to the Lady for giving us free packs!
Props to Scott, even if he doesn't post this, for creating the deck that won
me 3rd in 3 tournies. Thanks, Scott!

Any questions or comments? Send em' to me at
Matt Frazier, signing off.