Reflecting Wave
Type: Colorless, Grass
Pokemon Based Upon: Wigglytuff, Clefable, Ditto

Toys R Us
10:00 A.M.
Participants: 22 (roughly)
Strategy: Use Clefable to take out menacing pokemon by "reflecting" their
attacks back at them. Ditto will be the opponents
relfection so long as pokepowers work. Wigglytuff can take out small
opponents such as Squirtles or Bubasaurs if Metronome is
too weak against them. It would take a Clefable 4 turns to kill a Squirtle
but it would only take 1 turn for Wigglytuff.

Pokemon: 20
4 Clefairy
3 Clefable
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Ditto
3 Scyther

Trainers: 23
4 Bill
3 Professor Oak
2 Computer Search
2 Itemfinder
2 Scoop Up
3 Pluspowers
3 Gust of Wind
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Nightly Garbage Run

Energy: 17
13 Grass
4 Double Colorless

Note: The energies are all metagame. The energies will let you use
Clefable's Metronome to its full extent. If there are a lot
of Raindance users, replace the grass energies for water energies so you can
hydro pump a Blastoise for 60 max. Water gun
will do more damage if you attach more energies to Clefable. I had to
replace the grass for fire energies because my friend
used a Turbo-Char deck. My Clefables couldn't use continuous fireball
because I had no fire energies so all I could do was 10
damage per turn.

Its been a long time since I've played in a tourney. Now that i'm back, I
hope to win this tourney w/ my new deck. It was single
elimination and all the good people were allowed to play today. Usually,
once you win a tourney here, you can't play in it
until 8 weeks later. Today was Cody's last day so EVERYONE was allowed to
play. As I was walking around the store, it seemed
almost everyone either played Sponge or Mr. Mimes or both! I went with my
friends but they didn't make it to the semi-finals.

Round 1 vs Ashley w/ Beedrill
She started out with a Rocket Grimer w/ a benched Weedle. I had a Scyther
out with Jiggly benched. I attached energy and swords
danced. She has able to keep me asleep with Grimer's poison gas (asleep??).
She evolved to Dark Muk by the time Scyther had awaken.
2 Slashes was all it took since she was energyless. When she brought out her
weedle, it only survive one turn due to my pluspower.
That was her only basic left.

Round 2 vs Trey w/ Lightning deck
Trey had just killed my friend Ryan during the first round since Ryan was
playing a raindance. I was gonna get revenge. I
started out with Scyther and a benched Ditto. He had out Electabuzz. I did a
first turn thunderpunch with Ditto and a double
colorless for 40 damage. He used potion and paralyzed me with Thundershock.
Few turns later he got out some more buzzes. By then
I had Clefable and just kept Thunderpunching for 1 energy. He lost by
running out of basics.

Round 3 vs Bryan
This dude used Articunos and Zapdoses. Maybe more but I didn't know since I
won so quickly. He started out a fossil Zapdos
and a benched Articuno. I had 2 Clefairies and 2 Clefables in my hand. I won
on the 4th turn.
1st turn: nothing
2nd turn: evolve to Clefable and thunderstorm, 20 to benched Articuno.
3rd turn: Thunderstorm killing his Zapdos and 20 to benched articuno.
4th turn: Freeze Dry KO. No more basics.
After the battle he kept on saying how hitmonchans will take out my deck.
"But thats why I had Scythers" I replied =)

Semi- Finals vs my friend (I can't believe I remember everyones name but my
He was using what I call "ClefableMaker." Its a Haymaker with Clefable. He
started out Scyther against my Clefairy.
1st turn: Sing
2nd turn: evolve to clefable and slash. He gets a Buzz.
3rd turn: I oak getting a hand ready for wigglytuff. I kill his Scyther, he
searches for a hitmo and sends out Buzz thundershocking for 10.
4th turn: gust out hitmo and special punches. He has no hand.
5th turn: Special punch again and he thundershocks parayzing me.
6th turn: scoop up Clefable. Send out jiggly, evolve to wiggly and wave for
70. Game.

Finals vs Cody w/ Pure Sponge
He used 4 Mewtwos, 4 Scyther, and 4 Buzzes.I started out with a lone
Clefairy and he started out with a Scyther.
1st turn: I go first and draw a Ditto. He goes and draws a Buzz and attaches
psy energy to Scyther.
2nd turn: Evolve to Clefable and oak getting couple of jigglys, energy and
double colorless. Gust out buzz and thunderpunch. He thundershocks.
3rd turn: I attach energy to jiggly and thunderpunch leaving 10 left on his
Buzz. He thunderpunches leaving 30 left on me.
4th turn: thundershock kills his Buzz. He sends out scyther, benches 2
mewtwos and slash killing my Clefable.
5th turn: I send out jigglypuff, evolve to wiggly and wave for 60. He
attaches energy to his benched buzz and slashes.
6th turn: I kill his Scyther and he sends out buzz. He SER my wiggly and
thundershocks it.
7th turn: I attach energy to a benched Ditto and pass. He thunder punches
for 40.
8th turn: I attach another energy to ditto and pass. He thunderpunches
killing my Wiggly.
9th turn: I send out another Clefable and thunderpunch for 40. He
thunderpunches back for 30.
10th turn: I thunderpunch back for 40 killing his Buzz. He sends out Scyther
and slashes.
11th turn: I slash him. He retreats and sends out another Scyther to stall.
12th turn: I slash that Scyther too. He attaches electric energy on his buzz
and passes.
13th turn: I kill his Scyther w/ pluspower. He sends out buzz to
14th turn: I thunderpunch back. He thunderpunches.
15th turn: thunderpunch kills his buzz and he sends out the Scyther from
earlier and slashes killing my Clefable.
16th turn: I send out Ditto killing his Scyther.
It was my game from here on as he had no energies and his mewtwo and didn't
have any other pokemon that could damage me. I won
by getting all my prizes.

Today was a fun tourney since everyone got to play. That means I got to go
against the good people. Its no doubt I did very well
here because I usually play in a very hard tourneys at Lucky Frog. All that
playing there has made me a better player. I did
not get promo eevee today. They said they were giving them out next week. I
did win 2 base set and 2 jungle boosters which I
gave to my sisters because I don't collect anymore, I just play. My sister
got a Charizard and a Holo- Snorlax while my other
sister chose the wrong packs and got an Imposter Oak and a pinsir. I also
got promo Pikachu (PKMN league), promo arcanine,
prerelease Dark Gyarados, and a Trainer Set A Fighting energy.

Props to Cody for that fun game.
Props to my friend Donnie for giving me a ride there.
Slops to Cody because he has to move to Annapolis. He was one of the best
players there.
Slops to Toys R Us for not letting me use dice (some did let me but everyone
else was just "NO").
Slops to "       " for not letting me get my badge even though I had gotten
500 points.
Slops to people who are going to copy my deck. I know this because they told
me "if I lose to a deck, I will copy it.)Oh well.
I don't mind as long as they don't beat me with it.

A lot of slops today. It didn't go well I guess. At least I had fun and won
a tourney. Its been a while.
Any comments pleaz send to Thanks!