Hey Pojo fans. I just came back from the Pokemon STS thing and my deck failed. *sigh* Only if I used Dumped.... well anyway the matches weren't very exciting :-(  Well  anyway I call this the STS Scott Deck. Its a Trainer Denial Sponge that works very well and is very annoying.

Place: Woodlands Mall

Time Arrived: 10:17 AM

People: ......alot

Here it is.

The STS Scott Deck

Pokemon: 12

3x Movie Promo Mewtwo: Its a Sponge isn't it?

3x Electabuzz: A must have in most decks. Very very useful.

1x Mew: Great against Raindance, and Dev. Beam is great for breedered Pokemon.

2x Ditto: Great against PSychic!

3x Scyther: After the STS, he is out of the picture in ALL of my Sponge decks. NOT A SPONGE-LIKE POKEMON!!!

Trainers 32

4x Bill

4x Oak

1x E. Retrieval

1x NGR

1x Gambler

3x ER

2x SER

4x C. Search

4x Item Finder

1x Scoop Up

3x GOW

4x Plus Power

Energy 16

7x Psy

6x Lightning

3x DCE

Ok I was trading, a whole bunch of cards. No Japs or Proxys were allowed. Okay When I got there I needed a couple Scyther since I only had 1. I bought some and got some. Then I had 4 but I only used 3 in my deck. I also needed 4 RSAS!!!! I had one Jap one but not allowed, so I traded and bought. I then got 4. But when I bought them I had to go some place far away from the Pokemon Area cause it was not allowed. Then I went to the Deck Check Area thing at 12:15, and I had to go to my tourney at 1:00 PM. I had to get a late one since I arrived at 10:17. Okay the matches started...

Match Number 1: Chip Thurston

He had a Mono Psychic? He started a F. Gastly and I had Ditto. He paralyzed me while I powered up Mewtwo and Mew on the bench. He then evolved to F.Haunter and I eventually killed it because Transparency failed. I remember him having 2 Haunters but I Ko'd them quickly. But when he sent out Dark Golduck I only had 1 Card in my deck left. I couldn't take anychances so I had to kill it somehow. My bench, Mew, and Ditto, and Ekectabuzz.... ELECTABUZZ! I retreated Mewtwo send out Buzz KO.

Outcome:Win -- Points:6 -- Opponent's Skill 0

Match Number 2: B. Allen

I remember him having zero energy and getting out Rapidash somewhere, I destroyed it easily, and then he sent out Poliwrath which I KO'd with Scyther. Easy.

Outcome:Win -- Points 6 -- Opponent's skill: Can't Read

Match Number 3: Jeremiah Johnson? Can read Last name.

The reason why I lost to him was because I had a lone Scyther while he had Hitmonchan Electabuzz and Scyther. I stalled for a while and never got even one Oak. I only had one basic the whole time and stalled ALOT. But eventually P Power plus Buzz KO'd him. :-( He got lucky. I'm not kidding REAL REAL Lucky.

Outcome:Win -- Points -- 5-31 -- Opponent's Skill: 11

Well I battled a whole bunch of people there and all of them lost. Hmm so far for the last few months, 94-2, pretty good eh? I keep track on a piece of paper. I walked around looking for TalonHawk, here are some thoughts that ran through my mind.

.oO( Is TalonHawk a guy?)

.oO(Is TalonHAwk that guy in the yellow shirt?)

.oO(Is TalonHawk that guy with glasses who is dancing?)

.oO(Is TalonHAwk the guy that looks pissed?)

.oO(Is TalonHawk that lady who just through her coffee in the Trash and went to Cinnabon?)

Well I made a Viagra deck and went to get a Tourney card, but of course I always have bad luck and they were out. Darn... I couldn't go the next day because this place is like 2 hours away from my house. My dad really really hates Pokemon. Well POjo fans, this report isn't as funny and wacky as my other reports and articles because this day was very very disappointing. E-mail me at pokemon_trainer_jason@hotmail.com or pokemon_trainer_jason@yahoo.com for questions, decks, cards, jokes, or flames because they are so funny. Buh-bye now, Jason Ketchum signing off.

--Jason Ketchum the only SANE Ketchum Family Member

No Props and Slops... too Lazy.