Hi! I paticipated at the pokemon league in portland,O.R.I used a new deck
called Faster than the speed of...Wigglytuff?There was about 15-20 people
there.P.S.i've only beel there 4 times so i dont no most peoples names.

                            faster than the speed of...Wigglytuff?
2 wigglytuff(The star)
3 jynx(good basic)
3 scyther(very good,by the way this deck is like a haymaker,and i use him to
block"hitmonchan"haymakers,this has jynx.)
3 electabuzz(gotta love him!)
3 jigglypuff(mime killer)
2 scoop up(never use on wiggly' cause o' fuji.)
1 comp.search(good.)
1 lass(for "Stall" decks.)
1 item finder(Like having an extra traner.)
2 ser(Duh!)
3 e. rem.(small duh!)
1 gambeler(I dont no y.)
1 prof.oak(good trainer!)
2 e.ret.(also...Duh!)
1 pkmn center(to heal wiggly and friends.)
2 mr fuji(to save wiggly')
3 bill(what do u think?)
4 gow(to beat up things)
4 dce(for wiggly' 'n scyther)
8 electric(electabuzz.)
7 psychic(jynx.)
3 grass(well,when i was building this deck,i had 3 spaces left so i put in 3
grass in case i felt like dancind with wolves(sorry, swords dance:)i dont get
them alot,but i dont swords dance alot,either)
so, on to the report!
round 1 vs.gym leader

he had charmander,i had jiggly'.i won the flip,so i slaped a dce and pound.
he slaps down a dce(dont no y.) and scratches. i evolve, slap on an
electric,oak,put down some basics and did the wave.

W:1 L:0

2 vs mike

he sends out mew,me 'buzz. he psy's for not'in, i shockw/ par. he passes. i
punch, k.o. he sends out kadabra, super psy. i shock,w/ par. he passes. 1
pkmn center,then shock n/ par. he psys. i punch for the win!

W:2 L:0

3 vs ????????????

E.Z. he has dritini,me jiggly'. to cut to the end i pound twice for a win!

W:3 L:0
 4 vs.?
to make this kinda' shord sometime in the middle,he gets venasaur,me 'buzz.
he beams, i punch,40. he beams, i send out a jynx,meditate for the win!

W:4 L:0

5 vs mike(agian!)

rematch,baby! he sends out mp mewtwo,me jiggly. he oaks, plays a psy and
e.a.I pound. he plays 2 +powers, psy burns. 1 play scyther, return and send
out scyther and s.dance. he psyburns. I play dce and slash. he sends out
venasaur and passes. i play dce on jiggly, search for wiggly,and evolve,i
slash. he beams. i send out wiggly, pass. he beams. i play an energy and do
the wave for 40. he beams. I use buzz and punch for a win!

W:5 L:0

6 vs some girl.

she plays R abra. i use scyther. she schocks,w/ par. i play a grass and pass.
she dosent par this time. i dance. she evolves and mindshcocks. i slash. she
uses a base abra and she flips for par and.....tails! i slash for a win!(10
hp left!)

W:6 L:0

7 vs a man.

he plays a R voltorb,me jiggly'. he speed balls. i play comp.search for a dce
and play it. i pound. he balls. i evolve, w/ scyther,buzz and jynx on the
bench, do the wave. he plays a dark electrod he built up on the bench and
energy bomes. get this:i oak, play a buzz and jynx and do the wave. he sends
out a buzz, and shocks. i send out a jiggly,player item finder for
oak,oak,then bill,play  dce and pound. he shocks n/par. i evolve, bill,play a
psy, bill, play a jiggly and jynx and do the wave for a win!

W:7 L:0

now for the props and slopes
                                         props :)
to me for going undefeated
to me for getting my cascade badge
for all the players for being good sports(except 1.)
for me trading  for comp. error. instead of having to earn 1

                                         slopes :(
to kid in match no. 3 for being a bad sport
to to girl in match 6 for wanting to traid mike in match 5 whiel we were

Jimmy Helou   jschumaker@aol.com
p.s. please  post this, it took a while to do. also, you have the best site:)