The name of my deck is yahoo ankles.
Na, I'm just pulling your leg, its just a wigglytuff deck called
Turbo-Wiggly. Thats all.
The tournament was held at The Dueling Ground and you got $50 if you won.
Heres the deck:

8 Fire Energy
6 Elctric Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
4 Magmar (fossil)
3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther

4 Bill
4 Oak
3 Computer Search
2 Item Finder
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Energy Removal
2 Energy Retrieval
4 Pluspower
2 Scoop Up

Round 1: vs. Psychic deck
I only got to see two cards in this kids entire deck. A Nintendo Power Mewtwo
and a Psychic energy. First turn i start out with a Magmar and get three
pluspowers and do forty. Then I smog for the win. That wasn's so hard!

Round 2: vs. Haymaker
This kid is my toughest competition at the tourneys. He has a Haymaker with
Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Ditto, and Scyther. I establish a second turn wiggly
doing 60, but its gets stopped two turns later by a Super Energy Removal and
I have no choice but to let it get killed. Then I bring up Fossil Magmar and
Knock out two more Pokes. I have 2 prizes left, and he has 2 after he kills
magmar. So I have no choice but to use my final electabuzz (last basic)
against hitmonchan. I do forty, he puts a DC on ditto. I thunderpunch and
knock out hitmonchan. He puts up Ditto. Thunderpuch for 30. I have to
thundershock because he ERed me last turn. No paralis. Then he flips for the
thunderpunch.... tails!! thank the lord, my electabuzz has 10 HP left. His
has 40 left. I draw an energy, attach it, and the game comes down to a coin
flip. It lands heads. PHEW!! I win!!!

Third Round vs. Raindance
Hello Wigglytuff! I get out wiggly second turn with a full bench and do the
wave, and knock out 4 pokemon until wiggly is knocked out by a fully charged
blastoise. Then I thinderpunch with 2 pluspowers, but get tails and do 80.
Then he attaches pluspower and kills buzz. Then i send out magmar, and kill
blastoise for the win due to lack of basics.

Round 4 vs. Haymaker
I must tell you, i had no problem against this deck. I won very easily with a
wiggly turn two. With intelligent use of pluspower, i knocked out 6 pokemon
in 7 Turns!

Round 5 vs. Same deck as above
This was the Finals.
This battle actually took a while because i got off to a slow start of only
scyther and jiggly. But then i drew oak. And it yeilded 4 pluspowers. HAHAH!!
Retreat Sycther, send out jiggly, put DC and 4 pluspowers= one messed up

So I won with great ease. But after that people got scared of me and built
certain decks to stop me, so next week I had a tougher time getting first.

I do not like Props and Slops

Email me at
Tyler F.
goto my site at