Mayham Collectibles
                          June 17
                          Des Monies Iowa

This is Tim Anderson and i have been to about 4 tounaments but this is my
first killer deck report anyway i attended a touranament at mayham
collectibles (forgive the spelling.) there were different age groups and i
was in the adult but overall there was around 50- 60 people there anyway
here was the deck i used



1 aerodactyl
3 hitmonchan
3 kangaskhan
2 lickitung
3 magmar (2base 1 fossil.)


3 gust of wind
3 switch
1 mysterious fossil
4 plus power
2 computer search
2 prof oak
1 nightly garbage run
3 energy removal
2 super energy removal
2 energy retreival


14 fire energy
8 fighting energy
3 double colorless energy

now for the results of the tounament

round 1

me vs danny durbin playing a mindshock deck

i did not figure i would win this match cause this guy is a very good player
1 of the best i know anyway i started out with a lickitung to his electabuzz
which was good for me and thaks to tounge wrap keept me going for a while
but we only had 2 pizes left and 5 minutes left in the match and i wasnt
dawing what i neeeded so i lost.

W0 - L1

Round 2  some kid sporting a all grass deck

This was a very easy match for me I started out with a hitmonchan to his
nidoran male and he had a full bench but no energy he was able to hold me
off for a little while by evoliving his nidoran into nidorino but he had no
energy for his pokemon and aerodactyl i got on my bench stopped his evolving
  and hitmonchan was fully powerd  easy win

W1 - L1

Round 3

Me vs Ken playing a colorless psychic deck.

I started off with a lickitung to his lickitung so this was going to be a
long match i put my aerodactyl on the bech as soon as possible cause i knew
he had a alakzam in his deck some were he ended up geting rid of the
aerodactyl but then he had to  face a loaded hitmonchan with a lone tauros
giving me another victory

W2 - L1

Round 4

Me vs Jackie

This was a really easy match manyly because she  had a loded bench that was
all  cololess except she had a charmander on the bench anyway i strted out
with a kangaskhan to her ratta i fetched for a couple turns which produced a
loaded hitmonchan she did get a charizard but retrated it and send out a
coloreless pokemon and i have no idea why she did that and i just kept
knocking out the colorless pokemon 1 by 1 with the hitmonchan for the easy


Round 5

Me vs some kid with  a bungee deck

this should of been an easy win but i had a really bad hand and  only 1
basic it was over quickly


well overall it was a good tournament  this deck was just a prototype but
ill defeintly improve on it  if you have any suggetions for this deck email
me at

now for props and slops

props to mayham for haveing the tournament
props to everybody for being good sprots

there werent any.