Hello pojo I made a really good deck called Magmars haymaker. I haven't
played in a tournament,but I go to the pokeleague every week. The pokeleague
really isn't a tournament since there is not winner you just battle for
points but I think it will due. I go to the Toys R Us Pokemon League In
Waterloo, Iowa. The first Time I Used this deck was on January 30, 2000. This
deck has fire, Grass, Fighting, and Colorless.
2 Gust Of Winds
4 Plus Powers
4 Energy Removals
2 Super Energy Removals
4 Gamblers
2 Defenders
4 Bill
3 Scythers
3 Hitmonchan
3 Magmars
3 Spearow
3 Fearow
10 Fire
10 Fighting
4 Double Colorless
First Battle
I was trying out my new deck. I had a hitmonchan. I attacked an energy. He
has a staryu. I went first I did jab. The whole time I was energy removing
and everything and killed him easy. The whole time I used hitmonchan. I
didn't even need the others even though I had energy's on them.
Secont Battle
Another Haymaker deck. It was the orginal haymaker. Now it was time to see
which was better. Haymaker or Magmars Haymaker. Through the battle we were
just energy removing
and doing other things that the haymaker does. I was accually doing  good
because usually I easy get killed by him. But in the end He won. But I was
one prize away. I was so close. I play another battle battle with him later
but still lose still I was one prize away. Next week im going to try again.
The other battles
All I will tell you about though battlies is that I won. I was getting better
every time because I was getting good with the deck. The only loss I got that
day was again the Real Haymaker. But I think the real haymaker is really
boring. Thats why I made this one.
This deck was created by Mew46376@aol.com