Media Play                            
June16 , 2000 (10:00)                                                          
     about 50 participants                                                   
                                Pokemon League                               
              Hello, This is Brandon again to update you on my latest version
of Mewtwo's Potpourri. I have changed the deck so It will deal with
Hitmonchan better and, also to Take out all those pesky fighting pokemon.
This week's turnout was PATHETIC compared to last week's. Well, on with the
                                                                    Mewtwo's P
                                            3:Mewtwo Promo(His Deck)         
Electabuzz (one of the BEST basic's in the game)                             
        3:Magmar(get rid of those scyther's!)                                
                            3:gastly (fossil DUH!)                           
                                                            2:fossil Haunter
(For the Hitmonchan's)                                                       
                    4:Bill(need 4)                                           
                                                        2:Professer Oak      
        3:energy Removal                                                     
                                    3:gust of Wind                           
                                                                    3: Plus
                            2: Energy Retrieval                              
                                                            2:Com Search     
            2:Scoop up's                                                     
                                            2:pokemon trader                 
                                5: Electric(only 1 for buzz)                 
                        8:psyicic(I went heavy against Hitmonchan)           
                                        3: rainbow energy                    
     The newest  Version of this deck was made to destroy Fighting Pokemon.
The reason for the anti fighting Idea is that 60% of the People I play have
fighting in the deck! Even though Mime and Mewtwo was in there I liked the
resistance and the NO weakness Idea, not only that but a FREE retreat is
great! Well, Here we Go!                                                       
                                match 1                                      
Mewtwo's Potpourri vs. a deck (I didn't see much of it)                        
I start with  Gastly active and a magmar on the bench. He start's with a lone
jynx. I go first and get an oak I attached an energy to gastly and oak. I
found what I needed a Haunter I just Kill his Jynx.                            
                                        Match 2                              
potpourri vs. a rain dance                                                     
I usually don't like to play versus these guy's but this was a different
story. I start with an active ditto and mr.mime on the bench. He start's with
Articuno active and a Squrtile benched. He win's the toss and attached an
energy to articuno.Well to make a long story short he killed my Ditto and
beat mime with a squirtle. By this Time our benches looked like this I have a
Electabuzz active and a haunter on the bench. He has a dark Gyarados active
with 20 hit point's left, and a dark blastoise on the Bench. he has 3 Prizes
left I have 4. My turn I draw a Mewtwo and bench him. I retreat Buzz bring
out haunter and make him fall asleep,( I do this because he has 5 water
energy on Gyarado's.His turn, He sea's If he is awake No! He attache's a
water to blastoise. I draw and kill him. 3-3 he go's with Dark blastoise and
kills Haunter. I go with buzz attach a plus power and thunder punch for the
win. He has no basic's.                                                        
                        2-0     Next match                                     
Mewtwo's potpourri vs. Gym Leader with a Hitmonchan deck hehehe!
        I start with a lone mime. Him a Macop And 2 more on the bench and a
hitmonchan. I go draw a GASTLY HAHAHA!! ( I have Haunter in my hand) I bench
Gastly attach to him and say Go. He low kick's for 20. I draw bench a Magmar
Attach to gastly and evolve him. From that Point on I kick his butt!   I got
all my prizes. he had 5 left.                                                  
                                            Match 4 Mewtwo's Potpourri vs. a
little kid                                              I Felt bad playing
this kid. He was About 5 and really wanted to play me. He started with a
ratatta. Me with a  Buzz. I won I tried to make him a deck but he refused. Oh
well                4-0                                                        
                                match5 Mewtwo's potpourri vs. a areo/mew
deck.                       I started with a gastly and a magmar on the
bench. He started with a mewtwo Promo and a mew. I went first and licked for
20 no paralysis. He went benched a fossil, attached to mewtwo and said "GO."
I went and attached to magmar, then licked for 20. He went attached an energy
to mewtwo. My turn I went attached a buzz to the bench, and licked no
paralysis. he went attached an energy pluspowerd and Psyburned for 50. Well,
I went out with Magmar and Killed His Fossil and His mew. I won     5-0        
     match 6 Mewtwo's Potpourri vs. a Turbo Wiggly.                          
          Well, I got pounded I had a MR.Mime and a buzz he got a wiggly on
turn 3 and Hammered me. I managed to draw 3 Prizes He Got all 6.    loss  5-1
                Last match mewtwo's potpourri vs. My brother                   
He is only 8 but is very good He was playing a hitmonchan/buzz deck. I
started with 2 gastly and Beat his 3 Hitmonchan's for the win.      6-1        
            With 15min Left I had 20 buck's so I. Bought 5 1st team rocket
boosters In them I get a non-holo Dark Blastoise, a non-holo Dark daragonite,
a holo dark hypno, a holo Rainbow energy, and a holo DARK RAICHU!!!!!!!!!!   
Well, all these Kids saw me get my raichu and Immediately wanted to trade.
With about 15 people Offering me deal's I decide to Auction Raichu off to
those Kids for Pokemon card's. The  First Bid was a Base set Charizard- a
Base set 2 Venusar and a 1st edition Chansey. No more bid's took Place so I
got a Charizard, a Venusar,and a chansey not bad! Well, later I take my
card's to my local card shop and ask to trade. They offer Me a  $30.00 buck's
for it so I say OK. They had a special deal on Japanese base set Boosters. At
$4.OO A PACK! So I take 8 of them.                                           
    In Those pack's I got a devolution spray YUCK! Com search,pokemon
Breeder,dugtrio,clefairy,A BLASTOISE!,and can you guess A CHARIZARD! cool!     
now it is time for propz and slopz                                             
                                    Propz: to My Boosters                      
                                                            Propz: to Media
                Propz: to My mom                                               
                                    Propz: to the card Shop                    
                                                            SLOPZ: to the
Turbo wiggly Kid                                                               
                    Well that is all for today and until next time this is Bra
ndon here Bye bye!                                                             
                        If you need to E-mail me or have a tip or a question
my address is