Where: Books-a-million, oxford, AL 
When:June 17
How many people: Well this wasn't a tournament but it was at the league.
About 40 people.

Psycho Swap
13 Energy
4 TR Abra
2 Dark Kadabra
4 Dark Alakazam
4 F Gastly
4 F Haunter
2 Scyther
2 Breeder
3 Bill
3 Oak
3 Plus Power
Stategy: Get alakazam out with a haunter or 2 on the bench. Keep using
teleport blast and switch kazam with haunter. This way, your opponent has to
contend with haunter's power while taking at least 30 damage a turn and only
having a 50% chance of having their attack work. If you run into psychic
resistance, just use mind shiock with kadabra and kazamto take them out. I
know 30 damage isn't much, that's why you have plus power. Also, this deck's
main weakness is GoW. All your opponent has to do is GoW in your alakazam and
KO it and then you'll have to set everything back up again. That's why you
need RSA. Everything else is self-explanitory. On to the report.
Round 1 vs ??? with dark raindance
I start with 2 gastly to his scyther active and 2 squirtles benched. I get
haunter and alakazam out 3 turns later and start sering him and teleprt
blasting him into oblivion.

between rounds
I had to run a tournament so I couldn't get very many fights in. I would've
played in the tournament  but it was only for people who haven't won a
tournament in at least 3 months(we're giving the newbies and not-so-good
people a chance:))

Round 2 vs. ??? with fire and grass deck
I got kazam and haunter out early and started massacerring her with teleport
blast and she only drew one prize from an abra I put our to stall(I think)

Round 3 vs. Michael with wiggly, kazam(base), and ghosts
well he started off with base gastly active and base abra benched. I started
with abra and got to go first. I attached an energy and psyshocked w/o par.
he attached to gastly and sleep gas and no sleep. I attached to abra and
evolved to kadabra. I mind shocked for the kill. He broght in base abra and
psyshocked for 20 and par. I attached to abra and evolved to kazam(taking
away par) and teleport blasted for the win.

well that's it, time for props and slops
props to:
1)agatha for letting me run the tournament
2)me for making this cool deck

slops to:
1)bad competition
2)alot of my friend for not being there.

e-mail me at  <A HREF="Novastar87@aol.com">Novastar87@aol.com</A>