Place: Toys 'R' Us, Ontario, California
              People: Thirty or Forty participants
               Time: 6/17/00, 10:00 A. M to 1:00 P.M.
           Non-sanctioned Pokemon League Session

It's been about a month since my last Pokemon League visit, and I got sick of
playing my Mewtwo/Wigglytuff deck. So in a spasm of boredom and slight
insanity, I created TRLEDWAPN (The Really Low Energy Deck Without A
Particular Name is what it stands for, for those who care)


(Movie Promo) Mewtwo x4
Yes, the (in)famous Mewtwo. As the title of this deck implies, it has a
really low energy, not only does Mewtwo kick in any deck, he's just abused in
this, one. With Energy Absorption, allowing it to work with one Psychic
Energy it's a broken card overall, and helps this deck extremely.

(Fossil) Gastly x4
If you haven't already figured it out, I am trying to take advantage of cards
that can retrieve energy, and this card works great for doing just that. And
one Psychic for the 10-and-chance-of-Paralyzing is also a nice bonus.

Scyther x3
So what if it doesn't fit the theme? It's Scyther! That's all the explanation
needed for him!


Psychic energy x11

Double Colorless Energy x2


Bill x4
This card can be summed up in four words: Card advantage win games!

Professor Oak x4
Same as Bill, only more so...

Energy Search x4
I know what you're thinking; "What's he on?," Many things, but that's besides
the point... :-) With only 13 Energy, the card is abused in this deck.

PlusPower x3
This has helped in getting first and second turn wins, or just knocking a
Pokemon out faster. And there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

Computer Search x3
Get any card you want, win the game faster.

Mr. Fuji x3
Prevents from "decking," and saves Energy and Pokemon.

Item Finder x3
Come back to me, little discarded Trainer!

Scoop Up x3
Prevents your opponent from getting Prizes, and with the low amount of
Pokemon, you can't afford to have them "KO-Ed,"

Energy Retrieval x3
See Energy Search, except for the "What is he on?" part.

Energy Removal x2
Remove Energy. Opponent can't attack. End of story.

Challenge! x2
With only 11 Pokemon, it's great to get them all out without going through
your whole deck. And even if they decline, you get a free Bill, which we all
know is good.

Lass x2
Helpful against (Super) Energy Removal and other disruption Trainers and
prevents from "decking,"

The strategy behind this deck is to take advantage of Mewtwo's and Gastly's
ability to retrieve Energy and kick butt at the same time. And Scyther's in
there as a solid support Pokemon. All the Trainers have their own obvious
uses which I explained above anyway...
    I don't remember too clearly what happened, as a result of I going to the
mall right next to Toy 'R' Us (Ontario Mills is the mall, for the few, if
any, who care) after the League for three and a half hours. I'm not going to
post names, as I can't remember half of them... BTW, a lot of the matches
played weren't mentioned because I couldn't remember those either...

Before the first match: I got a stamp for being there, which happened to be
my last stamp I needed to get my fourth badge. Not bad for my fourth time
going to a League, eh?

Round 1 VS. Poorly Constructed Raindance
This game went real fast with his only Basic being Squirtle (Base) and Mine
being Gastly. I went first and attached to Gastly, attached two PlusPowers
and Computer Searched for a third, killing his lone Squirtle.
Record: 1-0

Round 2 VS. Gym Leader with a surprisingly good Fire deck.
I'm not saying the deck did good against me, I just watched the game he
played before he played me and it did really well. Another quick game for me,
I had a Gastly and Mewtwo on my bench and an Active Mewtwo while he had an
Active Ponyta (Base) and a Benched Eevee (Rocket). I went first, attached to
Mewtwo and "Oak-Ed," and used Energy Absorption, getting back to Psychic
Energy I discarded when I "Oak-Ed,". He attached a Fire to Eevee and removed
a Psychic from Mewtwo. I used Energy Search and attached another Psychic to
Mewtwo and killed Ponyta. He attached to Eevee again and evolved it into Dark
Flareon and used Playing With Fire and flipped heads, doing 50 damage to
Mewtwo. Making desperate measures, I "Oak-Ed," hoping for some PlusPower, or
at least Computer Search to get the PlusPowers. And that's just what I got,
putting away Dark Flareon and his measly 60 HP!
Record 2-0

Round 3 VS. Some sorta bazaar Potpourri
I started with a Scyther and he started with Drowzee (Rocket). He went first
and attached a Double Colorless (?) to Drowzee and gave me the go I attached
a Double Colorless to Scyther and let him go. He did nothing, gave me the go.
I attached to Scyther and killed Drowzee using two PlusPowers. He sent out a
Koffing (Rocket) and let me have my turn. I "Oak-Ed," and "Billed," insanely,
I think I used three Bills and three Oaks in that turn, looking for a
PlusPower or an Item Finder to end the game faster, and as expected, I
eventually got an Item Finder and used it, discarding an Energy Retrieval and
an Energy to get a, you guessed it, PlusPower ending the game. Those little
things help out a lot, huh?
Record 3-0

Round 4 VS. Bazaar Potpourri (Yes, the same person)
Since I only needed two more points to get Computer Error card, I challenged
the same person to a Sudden Death round, He started with Drowzee (Rocket) ,
and I, Gastly. I just let him go first without a coin-flip out of mercy... He
Long Distance Hypnosis, putting himself to sleep, heehee. I managed to get
all three PlusPowers out on Gastly for the win.
Record 4-0

Round 5 VS. Charizard deck (Heeheehee)
This deck had soooo many of the worst Pokemon, it felt like this person was
trying to set me up. A few of the cards I saw: Charizard, Porygon (Base and
Rocket), Snorlax, that's all I really saw of the deck besides a Super Potion
a Gambler, and a few Fire Energy. He did manage to get a pumped Charizard on
turn 5. but he never got the Energy to retreat Snorlax, and in impatience, he
forfeited. Heeheehee
Record 5-0

Round 6 VS. A second Charizard deck
What's with this League and Charizards? This went faster than expected with
my opponent's Charmander (Base) against my Scyther, who's weak to Fire. I
went first and "Billed," twice and got a Double Colorless, waiting for the
right time to unleash the two PlusPowers in my hand, attached it to Scyther
and let him go. He used Scratch, 50HP left on Scyther. I attached to Scyther
again and killed Charmander, using the PlusPowers, of course. Then he sent
out a Ponyta and attached a Fire to it. I attached to My benched Mewtwo and
did 30 to the Pony. He attached another Fire to Ponyta and killed Scyther. I
sent out Mewtwo and use Energy Absorption and you can figure out how the rest
goes, he does 30 and I kill the Pony.
Record 6-0

Round 7 VS. Original-Style Haymaker
This kid had to leave soon, so we played with only one prize. He started with
a Hitmonchan and Benched an Electabuzz. I started with a lone Mewtwo. I won
the toss and my hand consisted of 3 Psychic, a Double Colorless, a Lass, and
an Oak. I attached to Mewtwo and "Oak-Ed," so I would be able to use Energy
Absorption, and I did, he attached to 'Chan and Jabbed for 20. I used Psyburn
for the win
Record 7-0

Round 8 VS. ANOTHER Charizard deck...
Seeing the amount of Charizard decks there, it makes you want to laugh and
cry at the same time... This game lasted a bit longer with my Mewtwo and his
Magmar (Fossil) stalemating, each of us removing Energy and trying to find
more Energy to attack with. Mewtwo got "KO-Ed," and I sent out Gastly to
finish off Magmar and kill a Charmander (Rocket), benching him out.
Record 8-0

Round 9 and 10 VS Younger Gym Leader with Stall
Since we met, there's been a bit of a friendly rivalry between. Are games
always end up gathering a crowd. The first game it was my Gastly VS his Abra
(Rocket)                                                     , I went first
and managed to get the two PlusPowers I needed to kill Abra, winning the
first game. The second game worked pretty much the same, except I had Mewtwo
this time and killed the Abra, which had evolved by then, on turn three.
Record 10-0

After that match, I discovered that I had enough stamps to get my fifith
badge! That's all the matches that I remeber, for the chosen few who read
this far, I hope you found it enlightening. Now for props and slops:

To my parents, for leting me go to the League.

To everyone I played, except for the kid with the third Charizard deck, they
were all good sports.

To me,. for getting my fourth AND fifth badge, in only attending 4 sessions!

A completley random prop to Sbarro's Pizza and Italian Eatery. Damn, thier
pizza kicks...

And Slops:

To me, for getting crappy cards in the two boosters I got at the Glow store
in the mall after the League, holo Dark Arbok and non-holo Dark Charizard.
Both of which I already have...

To the third kid with the Charizard deck, he was just a jackass.

Any complaints, compliments or whatever else, send 'em on down to