Mint Card Company
around 20 participants
June 17, 2000

Hey again.  I didn't send a report last week because I was away on an
important trip.  Well, I went back with my TR updated version of Scott
Gerhardt's Viagra deck.  Wwll, here's the deck:

4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
2 Kangaskhan

3 Bill
3 Oak
3 Challenge!
4 PlusPower
3 Scoop Up
3 Cpu Search
3 Item Finder
2 Lass
1 Energy Retrieval

2 Full Heal
11 Fighting

Get Wiggly out turn 2 and use Scyther and Hitmonchan if they are playing a
Fighting deck.

Round 1 v. Raindance

I started with 3 Pokemon: an active Scyther, and 2 Jigglys on the bench.  I
challenged, and he accepted.  I pulled out another Scyther, a Khan, and a
Hitmonchan.  I put a Jiggly active, attached a DCE, and Pounded his Squirtle.
 He Bubbled and paralyzed me.  I drew, evolved into Wiggly, and went through
4 of his Pokemon until he had a Blastoise and a Gyarados left.  I had to use
Sychter to finish these two up.

Round 2 v. Fire/Electric

This kid was a newbie but his brother has been playing for awhile.  He pretty
much stalled with FOssil Magmars and Dark Jolteons.  I eventually had all my
Wigglys out and went through his Active and Benched Pokemon with little
trouble.  I had to draw so many cards though, that I had 4 cards left in my
deck by the end of the match.

Round 3 v. Stall

Another of the regulars, him, the kid in the last round, and the kid's
brother were all in one corner of the arena.  When I started with two
Hitmonchans, all three uttered, "Great...another f*cking Haymaker."  They
were surprised when I Challenged!, they acepted, and had out 2 WIgglys turn
2.  I plowed thorugh his first two Abras, and an Alakazam, but he now had 4
Chanseys out.  He used Pokemon Centers, Scoop Ups, and Potions, to keep them
alive.  By the end of the match it was his two Chanseys v. my Wiggly and I
had 4 cards left in my deck.  Luckily, he had 4 tails and I killed both for
my last two prizes on my last draw.

Round 4 v. Potpourri

He used Fossil Magmar instead of Hitmonchan which made this game much easier.
 I used my Hitmonchan on his two Buzzes and finished his other two Pokemon
off with Wiggly

Round 5- BYE

We were playing whoever had the best record after 5 rounds and there wasn't
anyone else who was undefeated, so I didn't have to play in the last round. 

I got 2 TR Boosters for 1st prize, and got holo-Dark Machamp, and
holo--Rocket's Sneak Attack.   Whoohoo!!!!!

I won't do slops and props cuz everyone was cool this week, instead I wanna
plug my site.  It's run by Ultimate Trainer2000 and is at  
My section is under Deck Garages and is called Shaun's Shack.  You can also
access my garage directly at  

You can email me at