hi im gundamsn and im going to tell u this killer deck report. The
tournament was in dubuque iowa and it was held at comic world.at this
tournament there was nine people and u always play 5 rounds, there usualy is
more. this is my deck


4 jigglypuff( the card u need to get wiggly out there,good staller too)
3 wigglytuff(one of the awesomest card out there)
3 movie mewtwo( i hate to admit it but one of the best cards out there)
2 mr mime(kills  evolved cards, and those pesky movie mewtwos)
2 chansey(good staller, and if u want to kill pokemon, use chansey)
2 scyther(kills them fighting pokemon)


1 scoop up
1 item finder
1 proffesor oak(a must have in a deck)
1 energy retrieval
1 nightly garbage run( they kill a wigglytuff use this)
2 gambler(anti stall card,also if your gonna run out of cards,use this)
2 computer search(everyone needs these in a deck)
4 energy removal
4 plus power( use these when u have full bench and to kill haymakers)
3 bill(one of those must haves)
3 gust of wind(pokemon gonna run away? not a chance)


4 double colorless energy
16 psychic energy
1 potion energy( was gonna put full heal energy but forgot to)

results are this

round #1
i faced a movie mewtwo deck
it went like this, both of us had bad draws, so i had to use my jiggly to
stall the game. then i drew a bill, in that bill there was an oak. after
that it was game over for him

round #2
i faced a psychic and fire deck
first of all i want to say this I HATE FOSSIL MAGMARS! i had to kill one of
them, it took me about 5 turns to do it, while i had my wiggly out i was
putting energy on my chansey, he made a mistake using an item finder with a
mewtwo in it, so the magmar dies, he had a lickitung with one damage. i
needed to draw a scoop up, what did i do, i topdecked, i got the scoop, so i
scooped my wiggly and put out my chansey, attached the double colorless and
wham! game over

round #3
i faced a movie mewtwo deck(probably the best out there one)
this game came down to a dice roll, if he got evens it was game, if he got
tails it was game, he rolled the dice and. he got evens, he got his 6 prize
and won.

round #4
i faced this haymaker like deck and with mimes and charmanders
i dont know how he is good with it, well it went like this, ill make it
short and sweet, he got hitmonchan out and beat me bad, sucks.

round #5

i faced this psychic deck
easy win, got out my wiggly and showed him whos boss.

i didnt think i would be in the finals but i did! since this was my first
time playing this deck in a tournament i didnt think i would make it. oh
well heres the report for the finals. only four people make it in the
finals, so u play 2 rounds.

round #1
i faced the same deck i played in round 4. it went like this, it was a very
close game in the beggining, after that, i won, beat him down, nothing to

Round #2

i faced the person i played in round 2. the mewtwo deck, i didnt think i
could beat him but he got energy screwed. i took advantage of that for a
while until he got energy and started to beat on me. he got 3 prizes i was
at one. so i got my chansey out and double edged for the win. them chanseys,
always win it for me.

so i got 5 packs for winning. i dont think i am going to change it, if it
does bad for a long time i will go back to my haymaker. well it was a big
day for me knowing my deck is good. and it should be becuase it took me 2
months to do it!

my email is gundamsn@excite.com

if u want to tell me something feel free to do it. i would like to hear from