Jose Esquerra
Yuma ,AZ
Yuma Civic Center
Squirtle’s wetdown

Mighty Mighty Blastiose Deck

3x R squirtle
1x squirtle
1x wartortle
2x dark wartortle
2x blastiose
2x dark blastiose
2x lapras
1x gyardos
1x R marikarp
1x snorlax
1x clefairy
1x clefable
2x chansey
1x scyther

1x goop gas
1x the boss’s way
1x computer search
1x nighthly garbage run
2x super potion
2x pokemon trader
2x pokemon breeder
4x potion

19 water energy
4x double colorless
1x full heal energy

 this tourament only had 7 competitors in it. Jimmy was lucky and got a bye.

Round 1 vs. Fire deck
I started with my base squirtle to his growlithe. he won the coin toss and
played a fire
energy to end his turn. I played a water energy and attacked with bubble. 20
damage to
him. On turn 2 he played another energy and flared me for 20. I then drew a
played him along with a DCE and did bite for the win. No more basic for him.

Round 2 vs Jimmy (psychic deck)
Jimmy is or was the #1 ranked player in our city. I had played him in my
first tourament
and lost to him in the semi-finals. I knew hi deck pretty well so I decided
to attack fast. I
won the coin toss and played clefairy to his fossil gastly. I passed. He
played a P.E. and
passed. I drew a lapras, played it and attached a W.E. passed again. He
played an energy
then Oaked. he then filled his bench with a gastly, jynx, and 2 jiggltpuff.
he passed. I next
drew a clefable, played it along with a W.E. and attacked. I then started to
work on my
bench. He kept on using S.E.R. on them He Oaked twice more and couldn’t take
out my
Clefable. I kept it alive with potions and super potions. He finally decked
himself with only
1 minute left on the clock. I got my revenge and it was sweet.

Round 3 vs. Andrew (new haymaker)
Me and Andrew were tied for rank in the city, #13. He played a electrabuzz,
and chansey deck. I had no chance as he matched my weaknesses to his pokemon.
5  turns
is all it took for him to win. Quick finals.

It wasn’t that bad thought I got 4 boosters for second place. props to my
brother for
getting 3rd. place and defeating the #2 ranked player in the first round.