I got to the second last round in a tournament with this deck. It was held on
June 3 at a place called Campus Collectibles in Ann Arbor, Michigan. there
were 16 people in the tournament.

here are the cards.

4 squirtle
3 wartortle
1 blastoise
1 lapras
1 lickitung
1 tauros
1 kangaskhan
3 machop
2 machoke
1 machamp
2 diglett
1 dugtrio
1 professor oak
1 computer search
1 switch
1 pluspower
3 bill
2 potion
3 gust of wind
14 water energy
12 fighting energy
1 double colorless energy

there's no real strategy to this deck.

here's what happened at the tournament.

round 1:the discard trouble not much excitement. I was against someone who
was new to the game. She thought the discard pile was supposed to be face
down! it only took a few turns to beat her.

round 2: friendly match       In this round I was relieved that this round
would actually be a challenge. i was against my friend, Alex. he was losing
because he forgot double colorless energy only satisfies colorless energy. he
also didn't get his key card, nightly garbage run, until late game when he
got it from his prizes. i beat him and went to the third round

round 3: "the scythers are coming!" the only thing i remember about this
round was that he whooped me with his scythers.

round 4: stupid, stupid coin!!!  i was against Miles, the best player in
almost every tournament. about halfway into the game, he oaked, then checked
how many cards were in his deck. That's when i got SO lucky. these were the
next 18 turns: draw a card, play 1 or 2 cards, use wartortle's withdraw, get
heads on the flip. then, he drew his last card and i got tails on the coin
flip. then he gusted out a diglett and whooped me with his blastoise (it's
been out since he oaked 19 turns ago.)
if you have any comments, Email me at brendanmitri@aol.com.