Toys R Us P.A.
Pokemon League

My last report I was using the Goldenpsy007 dec and it was pretty good but
this time I'm using my new pink panther dec.


4TR Abra
4 base Kadabra
4 base Alakazam
4 Chansey
3 fossil Ghastly
3 fossil Haunter
2 fossil Gengar
3 Mr. Mime


4 S.E.R
3 Scoop Up
3 Highly Garbage Run
2 Pokemon center
1 Gambler
2 G.O.W


18 Psychic energy

My first and only match again was pretty easy. It was a bench destruction dec
with Golems and Dark Arboks. The guy thought he new how to use it but it did
not seem like he did when he battled me. Here is the match.

                            Pink Panther  VS ??? Bench Destruction

    I'm not to shore what my opening hand was but I know I started with a
and him a Geodude. I eventually got a haunter and was really annoying to him.
Then right when he was about to die he evolved into Graveler and used harden.
I retreated haunter and brought out Mr. Mime. We stayed like this for a while
but things looked bad because he had a loaded Golem and Dark Arbok. But wait
I have an Alakazam, 2 Chanseys and a loaded Gengar on my bench. He retreats
and brings out Arbok and uses Poison whatever. I use some fancy swapping,
scoop up a Chansey and put another one down, retreat mime for Gengar and
knocked out Arbok. He brings out Golem with 2 defenders and Self-destructs.
I'm still not dead yet. I swap damage to a chansey and use Dark Mind. His
turn he uses Avalanche for 30. I retreat Gengar
and bring out a loaded kadabra and knock out Golem for the win. The guy was
pretty mad because he has a really good record yet there are not that many
good players in this area.

If u have any comments e-mail me at

no propz

no slpoz