Hello and I am finally back with another killer deck report!!! I used my
Haymaker deck, and yes it like a plain old regular one, except that I decided
to go crazy with the trainers (theres 32 of them).
    The tournament was held in Myrtle Beach S.C. at a new place I have been
going to, the Dueling Ground. Entry Fee was $5 and you got $50 store credit
if you won. I had been there 5 times previously, and won three times.
Here is the deck list:

9 Fire Energy
7 Electric Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy

4 Electabuzz
4 Magmar (fossil of course)
2 Scyther

4 Bill
4 ER
4 Pluspower
3 Computer Search
3 Gust of wind
3 Oak
3 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Scoop Up
2 Item Finder

    The object of this deck is hit fast and hard and hopefully get a win due
to lack of basics in about 2-3 turns. And if that doesn't work, just keep the
pressure on them with Energy Denial and superior card drawing. And i normally
use Item Finder for the Nightly Garbage Runs in the late game.
The tournament was Swiss Style.

Round 1 vs. Fire/Fighting Haymaker
    I started out with a terrible hand with only a Scyther and saw no Oaks,
Bills, or Computer Searches the entire game. My opponent started out with
Magmar, and started hammering away at my Scyther. There was nothing I could
do until I drew a Magmar and tried to get back into the game, but soon he was
knocked out, and so was my Scyther a turn later.
Record: 0-1

Round 2 vs. Rain Dance with Clefaries Clefables
    By now I knew there wasn't a chance of me winning the tournament, or at
least I thought. I had a great hand filled with three bill and and two
magmar. My opponent started with a Magikarp active and an Articuno benched. I
went first and wound up using four bill and one Oak to get two pluspowers to
knock out Magikarp on turn one. So my opponent sent out Articuno, attached an
evergy and said go. I attached an energy, used ER, and smogged with no
poison. Next turn he attached an energy. Then just to make him mad I used SER
on his Articuno. Then he started mumbling under his breath about he was deck
was getting energy screwed. Then I smogged with poison, and he could not get
any more basics on his turn, so I won with a Smog.
Record 1-1

Round 3 vs. Psychic Deck
    Sorry, but I honestly forgot a lot about this match. All I know was that
it was a regular battle for me as I got the upper hand early and kept the
pressure on and drew all my prizes to his one.
Record 2-1

Round 3 vs. Psychic/Colorless deck with Dark Golduck
    My opponent was also 2-1, and I saw him play his deck earlier. He built
up one naaaaasty bench with Chansey, Dark Golduck and Gengar when I saw him
playing, as he stalled a long time with Lickitung. Well that was then, this
was now, and he was in for a rude awakening to the world of Energy Denial. I
struck fast, early, and often and ER, SER, and Oak helped me along the way to
victory. He started with base Gastly (oooh!) and a psyduck on the bench. I
oaked and Billed and got two pluspowers turn one and my Electabuzz got the
easy kill for me. Then from there on he could not get up much energy until he
found an energy clump in the late game. But it was still too late for him
when (finally) my Electabuzz knocked out that annoying Lickitung, and Magmar
took care of Dark Golduck.
Record 3-1

O.K. After four rounds, let me see who is on the top....
Guy that beat me first round (Jacob) is 4-0
Patrick my toughest competition and great TCG player, 3-1
Me, Tyler Futch, 3-1

There would be one final deciding round to see who won the tournament, and
since I lost in the first round and played easier people, I didn't think I
would get in, but guess what?? I did!! The judge tallied up all the points I
had earned and my opponents points too and it equaled 27. Then he tallied up
Patrick and his opponents points, and it was 23, so I went to the finals!!

Final Round vs. Guy in round one with Fire/Fighting Deck
    I got a bad hand again and thought I was in trouble. But luckily for me,
my opponent got off to a slow start too. Finally in mid-game, both of us
finally got some good stuff and it became a real battle. But let me tell you,
I was scrimping my energy the whole game!! I guess it serves me right for
trying to get by with 18 energy, huh? But let me tell you, that kid is
annoying and in my opinion is not a good deckbuilder or TCG player and gets
lucky a lot. And he is ANNOYING!! He kept asking me, how many cards do you
have in your deck, have you used an Oak yet, do you have any evolutions in
your deck, can I see your discard pile? To these questions I answered i don't
want to give you that information, I don't know, you'll find out, no you
can't see my discard pile!  So eventually the judge came over and told him
that he could not touch any part of my deck, but I could show him my discard
pile. He was trying to make sure I did not have more than four of a card in
my deck, and when he was finally satisfied, we went back playing. After
making a decision, I decided to bill twice, and then played two Nightly
Garbage Runs to reload my deck so that I would not deck out. Anyways, it came
down to the wire. Here is the situation: I had two pumped Scythers, one with
40 on it and one with 10 on it. He had one pumped Scyther with 60 on it and
one Scyther with one energy on it with no damage. I had one prize to go, he
had two, and he had two cards left in his deck. He drew, and then conceded
defeat. There had been no way for him to win he said, and it was true. I had
FINAL RECORD: 4-1 and the Tournament Winner!

So I got $50 bucks store credit to which I bought some Magic singles along
with three Magic Prophecy packs.
I had a great time there and hope to write many more reports Pojo!
E-mail me at: Mew151Mew@aol.com
Also, please visit my website on the Pokemon TCG at:
Tyler Futch signing out!!