What: Pokemon Trainer's Grand Tour
Where: Metrocenter Mall, Pheonix, Arizona
When: June 10-11
Why: Dunno, there are allot of trainers in Pheonix?

Anywho, the tour came over here and let me warn you, the competition in the
tournament is TOUGH! When it comes, you will go against the best of the city
and surounding cities. So be ready for some fierce battles. I thought this
would be a great way to try out my revised deck: Allergy Season, and get the
outcome of all kinds of situations. Here it comes:

4x DCE
6x Grass Energy
10x Psychic Energy

4x TR Oddish (I'm groing found to a choice of pain)
3x Dark Gloom (Combo - Scyther, If tails, try to retreat, 25% chance of
hurting you)
2x Dark Vileplume (Trainers Beware)
3x Scyther
3x Mewtwo
4x Abra (I like base set better because of the free retreat)
3x Dark Kadabra (My own personal Bill)
4x Jigglypuff (A semi-decent wall)
3x Wigglytuff (I've found myself having a big bench most of the time, and who
takes advantage of a full bench?)

Trainers: (Still few, but nessassary)
2x Gust of Wind (Choose a weakling, and let im have it)
2x Bill (2 cards, no complaints here)
2x Oak (Makes the deck faster)
2x Breeder (Jumps start the deck)
3x SER (Long live the unbanned card!)

Here goes my tourney experience:

Round 1 Vs. Wiggly Deck (Never played vs. one of these. This should be
She got a very quick Wigglytuff and Rocket's Sneak Attack one of my few
trainers in my hand. She then started pounding my pokemon. I then had a
choice of either evolving my oddish to a Dark Vileplume, or Oak. I Oaked, man
what a mistake that was. She then got the advantage with her great amount of
trainers and took control of the game. The whole thing went downhill from

The tournament was Single elimination, so that was it.

However, my brother needed to play his tournament, so I stayed a while and
played against allot of people. The turnout was mostly the same, I beat them
with the Wiggly and Vileplume combo. One thing I learned from all these decks
was that Aerodactyl KILLS this deck. In the battle, he managed to get it out
while I had Dark Vileplume out and I couldn't get out Wiggly or Dark Kadabra.
I still won, but it tought me something.

The only other real battles worth writing about was the battles Vs. the
Master Trainer (the person that was with the tour). He had a Haymaker
InSaNiTy deck and managed to use his trainers to over come me. For this loss
I had to sing the Jigglypuff song (the penalty for losing to a master
trainer). I didn't get my Dark Vileplume out, so I wanted a rematch. Let's
just put it this way Me Abra - Him Ditto, he goes first, energy, pluspower,
game. It finished with me singing the Jigglypuff song again.

To me getting some great trades.
To my brother for getting to the third round of his tournament.
To my friend Chad for getting first in the 15+ tournament.
To the tour for being more organized than last year.

For me getting my gameboy color and both Pokemon games stolen (sob sob)
Twice (It came back once)
To all the jerks that wander the mall for a life saying that Pokemon sucks.

If you get down this far I would like you to comment about this deck at
thegamer83@hotmail.com and would love to get some new advise and leads to the
theft of my gameboy.


I'm fairly confident that no one is readinf this  so - Jiiiiiglypuuuuuufffff