Subj:   Tidal Blade Deck Report,Nyu-bomber(Alias)
Date:   6/10/00 10:06:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   Glmyers47

  Hi Pojo! This is my first deck report so please post it when you find the

Wizards of the Coast-Pokemon Leauge
June 10, 2000      

First my deck:Tidal Blade
2-Magikarp(1-Rocket,. 1-Base. Need to find another Rocket version.)
1-Gyarados(My fave Pokemon)
1-Dark Gyarados

2-Zubat(1-Base, 1 Rocket)
1-Dark Golbat


2-Item Finder
3-Energy Removal
2-Gust of Wind

15-Water Energy
8-Grass Energy
(Not:Later on after the tourny I replaced the 2 switches with a Rainbow
Energy and Nightly Garbage Run)

Tidal Blade vs.boy w/Water and Fire deck

I started with Spearow and a Magikarp on the bench.I won the coin toss. He
had put out an Articuno w/ Growlithe on the bench.I put an energy on Spearow
and pecked.He put a Vulpix on bench added, an energy on Articuno and passed.
I drew a Chansey and placed it.I billed 2 times and put down Gyarados, Energy
removed the Articuno and finished with peck. He evolved Growlithe into
Arcanine(Promo).He an energy on Articuno and retreated for the Arcanine and
passed.I put down Fearow and Drill Pecked. He added an energy and flames of
raged my Fearow knoking it out.I put Chansey and stalled for a long time.
When he finally knocked it out both our decks were nearly empty.Luckly I had
Gambler and flipped heads.Dang! I added an energy to Gyarados, placed
Blastoise,Rain Danced the energy to Blastopise and Gamblered again.This time
I flipped tails! I Dragon Raged his Lapras and knocked it out. His Arcanine
knocked out my Gyarados. My Blastoise knocked out his Arcanine.He had a
Nintales and used Lure on my Squirtle.Luckly my Squirtle kept flipping heads
and I won!

Tidal Blade vs. boy w/Haymaker Variant(?) (Electric, Fighting)
At first I was worried because most of my pokemon were weak to fighting or
electric.But luckly he had a Hitmonchan vs. my Spearow! I won the flip and
pecked. He attched a energy and passed.I drew a Zubat(Base)! I attched an
energy to Spearow and pecked. He attached an energy and passed. I attached an
energy and evolved to Fearow and used Agility, no invincibility.He put down a
Pikachu,attched an energy to Chan and Spec. Punched. I evolved Zubat to
Golbat and attached energy to Fearow and Drilled for K.O. He put out
Pikachu,attached an energy and gnawed for 20. I Drilled for win.(He had no
Pokemon left)

Tidal Blade vs. boy w/ Psychic
He had a Slowpoke(fossil) vs. my Likitung and Chansey.He decided to forfeit.

Tidal Blade vs. girl w/Water Fire deck
She had a Ponyta vs. my Zubat(Base) with  2 Ponyta  on the bench.I had a
Magikarp on the bench with Gyarados in my hand. She must haved had an energy
shortage because she only attacked twice with Smash Kick.I used Energy
Removal and attached an energy to Magikarp.She placed a Lapras and passed.I
placed an Energy on Magikarp and evolved to Gyarados and retreated.She
attched an energy to Ponyta and Smash Kicked. I attached an energy and
started Dragon Raging them all away for the win!

This boy challenged my deck with his Water/Grass deck. I don't remember much
about this except that I beat him all 3 times.

Final Record:7-0

After the battles I bought 2 Rocket boosters.I got a non-holo Dark Machamp
and a non-holo Rainbow energy.I also got the Rocket Magikarp,N.G.R.,and
Rocket Zubat you now see.

WotC for making an excellent card game.
To the first boy for making such a challenging game game.
For the gym leader for giving me 40 instead of 20 points.(see Slops)
To mom for giving me a ride to and from the leauge.

To girl for whining over how she had got beaten by a Rain Dance before our
To boy for trying to cheat and say he won but a witness to the game landed me
the 40 instead.
To final boy trying to do Dark Golbat's Sneak Attack twice and trying to
evolve Zubat the same turn it was placed.
To boy helping final boy final boy for arguing with me over wheather Final
Beam is an attack or Pokemon Power.
Subj:   Tidal Blade Deck Report,Nyu-bomber(Alias)
Date:   6/10/00 10:06:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   Glmyers47

  Hi Pojo! This is my first deck report so please post it when you find the

Wizards of the Coast-Pokemon Leauge
June 10, 2000      

First my deck:Tidal Blade
2-Magikarp(1-Rocket,. 1-Base. Need to find another Rocket version.)
1-Gyarados(My fave Pokemon)
1-Dark Gyarados

2-Zubat(1-Base, 1 Rocket)
1-Dark Golbat


2-Item Finder
3-Energy Removal
2-Gust of Wind

15-Water Energy
8-Grass Energy
(Not:Later on after the tourny I replaced the 2 switches with a Rainbow
Energy and Nightly Garbage Run)

Tidal Blade vs.boy w/Water and Fire deck

I started with Spearow and a Magikarp on the bench.I won the coin toss. He
had put out an Articuno w/ Growlithe on the bench.I put an energy on Spearow
and pecked.He put a Vulpix on bench added, an energy on Articuno and passed.
I drew a Chansey and placed it.I billed 2 times and put down Gyarados, Energy
removed the Articuno and finished with peck. He evolved Growlithe into
Arcanine(Promo).He an energy on Articuno and retreated for the Arcanine and
passed.I put down Fearow and Drill Pecked. He added an energy and flames of
raged my Fearow knoking it out.I put Chansey and stalled for a long time.
When he finally knocked it out both our decks were nearly empty.Luckly I had
Gambler and flipped heads.Dang! I added an energy to Gyarados, placed
Blastoise,Rain Danced the energy to Blastopise and Gamblered again.This time
I flipped tails! I Dragon Raged his Lapras and knocked it out. His Arcanine
knocked out my Gyarados. My Blastoise knocked out his Arcanine.He had a
Nintales and used Lure on my Squirtle.Luckly my Squirtle kept flipping heads
and I won!

Tidal Blade vs. boy w/Haymaker Variant(?) (Electric, Fighting)
At first I was worried because most of my pokemon were weak to fighting or
electric.But luckly he had a Hitmonchan vs. my Spearow! I won the flip and
pecked. He attched a energy and passed.I drew a Zubat(Base)! I attched an
energy to Spearow and pecked. He attached an energy and passed. I attached an
energy and evolved to Fearow and used Agility, no invincibility.He put down a
Pikachu,attched an energy to Chan and Spec. Punched. I evolved Zubat to
Golbat and attached energy to Fearow and Drilled for K.O. He put out
Pikachu,attached an energy and gnawed for 20. I Drilled for win.(He had no
Pokemon left)

Tidal Blade vs. boy w/ Psychic
He had a Slowpoke(fossil) vs. my Likitung and Chansey.He decided to forfeit.

Tidal Blade vs. girl w/Water Fire deck
She had a Ponyta vs. my Zubat(Base) with  2 Ponyta  on the bench.I had a
Magikarp on the bench with Gyarados in my hand. She must haved had an energy
shortage because she only attacked twice with Smash Kick.I used Energy
Removal and attached an energy to Magikarp.She placed a Lapras and passed.I
placed an Energy on Magikarp and evolved to Gyarados and retreated.She
attched an energy to Ponyta and Smash Kicked. I attached an energy and
started Dragon Raging them all away for the win!

This boy challenged my deck with his Water/Grass deck. I don't remember much
about this except that I beat him all 3 times.

Final Record:7-0

After the battles I bought 2 Rocket boosters.I got a non-holo Dark Machamp
and a non-holo Rainbow energy.I also got the Rocket Magikarp,N.G.R.,and
Rocket Zubat you now see.

WotC for making an excellent card game.
To the first boy for making such a challenging game game.
For the gym leader for giving me 40 instead of 20 points.(see Slops)
To mom for giving me a ride to and from the leauge.

To girl for whining over how she had got beaten by a Rain Dance before our
To boy for trying to cheat and say he won but a witness to the game landed me
the 40 instead.
To final boy trying to do Dark Golbat's Sneak Attack twice and trying to
evolve Zubat the same turn it was placed.
To boy helping final boy final boy for arguing with me over wheather Final
Beam is an attack or Pokemon Power.

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