Hi fellow pokemaniacs and pojoholics! Ross C. here with a new deck. This time it's a wiggly deck that practically counters everything. I tried it at league at Toys "R" Us on June 10, 2000 in Gainesville FL. About 20 ppl were there, and I got some good competition. Anyway, here's THE THUNDERSMOG WAVE:

3 f. magmar (awesome card, 1-2 energy attacks, poison, wall.)

3 electabuzz (best amercian basic)

3 jigglypuff (jiggly is a mime killer)

2 wigglytuff (pure power all the way 60 turn 2)

3 scyther (another awesome basic)


3 computer search (take any 1 card from your deck?!!!)

3 pluspower (i LIKE killing those 70 HP basics w/ wiggly)

3 gust (gust up that energyless, high retreat whatever and kill it before it's a threat)

4 bill (draw 2 cards? anytime)

3 oak (discarding is risky but a fresh new hand - no wiggly deck can go without it)

3 nightly garbage run (to TRY to keep from decking)

3 removal (yeaaah)

2 super removal (x2 yeaaah)


9 fire energy (needed)

9 electric (needed)

4 d.c.e. (ABSOLUTE must!)


THE STRATEGY: I have a very heavy useage of stall, hitmonchan, scyther, p. mewtwo, and raindance in my area. I built this deck to counter all those. electabuzz/scyther rips raindance, magmar tears scyther a new @$$hole, and scyther takes hitmonchan on. Wiggly is in there for a heavy hitter and psy resistance. find out what you opponent plays by putting scyther out for awhile, and then load up on there weakness. Bill/oak/search lets me get what i need quickly.

Round 1 vs. Gym Leader w/ stall deck

   I started w/ jiggly to his abra. I layed a d.c.e. and oaked. I got the pluspower i needed and won on turn 1. *Note -- this is the first time the Gym Leader has lost in 3 weeks - I just started coming to this league last week and didn't get a chance to play him.


Round 2 vs. Gym Leader again w/ stall deck

   Our Gym Leader is really cool and he is probably going to get a team tournament (2v2) soon. Anyway, he started with a jynx w/ chansey and abra on bench. I started with scyther but retreated for fossil magmar. smokescreen his go. d-slap fails but he breeders into alakazam. I smog w/ poison. slap for 10. I smog again. he moves it all to chansey slap fails....   I eventually got a gust of wind, 2 +powers, and a fully power wiggly to take out his alakazam. after a few tuns I was the first ever person to make him forefit.


*IN BETWEEN ROUNDS I bought 2 TR packs and got a non holo gyrados and a holo weezing. I also got a lot of good commons/uncommons for a psy-electric deck.

Round 3 vs. Gym Leader AGAIN w/ aerodactyl deck.

   This guy doesn't quit! he started with a snorlax to my jigglypuff. I removed his dce and pounded w p.p. for 30. he got a mysterious fossil and layed down another dce. i p.p.ed again and oaked. I got 2 scy, jiggly, wiggly, energy, and s removal. I evolved and killed him 3 turns later. 


Round 4 vs. Old Man w/ aeromew

  I start with a scyther, jiggly pluspower, energy d.c.e. computer search to his mew. scyther + 2 pluspowers = turn 2 kill


Round 5 vs. some kid# 1(i play him alot but don't know his name) with upgrade overgrowth

   he started with a koffing, articuno and poliwag to my jiggly and scyther. I retreated scy to pound his poliwag. he does 10. poliwag dead, 'buzz as prize. he puts out articuno and i evolve, lay a pluspower, and oak. K.O. articuno. he dies next turn.


Round 6 vs. some kid# 2 with stall

   he always starts w/ tentacool and this time it was all he got. He dies after paralysis + t.punch


            *note: I only put "Between rounds" in when it was worth it. 

   that was it for me i had to go after that. I was still proud of my spur-of-the-moment creation, although i think it would have a better record had i played longer. Now the kids at league fear my deck, and a tourney is coming up soon! Time for.......... PORPZ & SLOPZ

Porpz - to wigglytuff

Porpz - to the Gym Leader for being cool.

Porpz - for me not having to battle a GOOD stall deck

Porpz - to monkeys and cheese

Slopz - to me getting horrible booster luck

Slopz - to guy from round 5 for being a sore loser

Slopz - for me having to leave early

Slopz - to goats and donkeys

   Oh well that's it for me. Toys 'R' Us is holding a tourney (free) on the 24th. i'm probably going to enter this deck after i get more comfortable with it.

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