Turnament-Pokemon League
When- Last Sunday June 3, 2000
Where- Your move games at Davis Square In Somerville Massachusetts 02145

Deck name -ALAKABEAST(best deck in the world and stragedy)

2 Bulbasours
2 ivisaurs
1 venasours
2 Abras
2 kadabra
1 alakazam
2 dratini
2 draganir ( team rocket and regualr)
1 dragnite fossil
1 ditto
2 jigglypuff
1 wigglituff
2 chanseys

2 enegy remov
4 nightly garbage run
4 pokemon centers
1 breeder
1 trader
1 comp search
1 oak


4 double color ener
6 scycic energys
13 leaf energy

Battle time

1st round
kid stinks..... murder him with dragair getting evolutions. got out
wigglytuff,, murder him

2nd round
My enemy (hes horrible thouh even though he buys a box every week)
he has a water deck with dark blastoise. kill all his gyrados with my venasour
and he decked himeself all because of alakazam

3rd round
kid had to leave because he had to go to karate lessons.

(the person who copied this deck,,,,, unfortunatly my friend)
he had scythers instead of ditto and wigglytuuf
of course the clone looses and the original wins.
i murder him with the champ.......Ditto killing his venasour then one of his
Finally taking the victory i send out wigglytuff to beat his draganair.

of copurse its preety simple
see,,, since venasours pokemon power is energy trans and alakazams is damege
swap and chansey has 120 hp and pokenon center removwes dage and energy, move
the energys to a pokemon that can take the less dameage and save your energys
and then once you remove the damage and no energy's, you put back the
energy''s back on the pokemon that can do serios damage like wigglytuff.
Draginite is there for his pokemon poker which is used when one of your
pokemon is affected and you want to retreat by using step in and then retreat
dragnite with one energy. dragnite also has a good attack.See this deck is

This is GrandmasterA if you want help on your decks or want me to send one of
my other great decks of any type just E-mail me at WWW.KrazyKidA86@aol.com