Hey pojo,
Tourny locations: #1 was at Chris's Collectibles and so was #2
20 people each
    Hey all u pokemaniacs out there. This is Gelati with yet another Killer Deck to report. This one is my newest deck that i tested at back to back tuesday and wednesday tournements. This deck did terrific in the tournys and i also had fun in the process. Thats what the game is made for. Well without further ado........"Here's the Deck!"
4 Caterpie (DON'T LAUGH)
2 Metapod (Average)
1 Butterfree (awsome, resistance to fighting and a recovering yet also damaging attack)
3 Oddish (2 base, 1 rocket)
2 Gloom (base)(have too or else this deck would fall apart)
1 Vileplume (Jungle) (Heal up chansey and along with butterfree's mega drain it can heal butterfree too)
3 Pikachu (2 jungle, 1 base)
1 Raichu (fossil) (hey what can i say no one will trade me a base set one, This will do)
2 Electabuzz (base) (Probably the best all around basic there is) (i only have 2 or i'd put more in )
2 Kangaskan (to stall and fetch good cards, fair attack too)
1 Chansey (The ULTIMATE staller, heal chansey with vileplumes heal and potions and stall again!)
Total: 22 Pokemon
3 Bill (2 cards for free...3 what can i say!?!?!?!)
2 Switch to switch out chansey and bring in kangaskan for nothing instead of 3 energy)
2 Potion (the origional "Heal Em' Up")
2 Gust of Wind (to stall manly for chansey not to get killed)
1 Computer Search (find someone)
Total: 10 Trainers
16 Grass Energy
12 Electric Energy
1 Potion Energy (to heal and load chansey at the same time)
Total: 29 Energy
    The strategy of this deck is to, as u've probably figured out by now is to use chansey to stall while u fetch with kangaskan, computer search, or bill to get butterfree, raichu, or vileplume (that depends on the deck their using and if chansey needs to lose damage). Once u get out a power pokemon u can take the rest from there.
Results of the tournies:
Tourny 1: 3 matches Whoever beat their opponent with their opponent getting the least amount of prize cards got to sit out the semifinals Prize: 1st place 3 base, jungle, rocket (1st edition and normal), 1 Neo booster, and one theme deck of ur chice (japanese or american)2nd Place: one less of everything, no neo or theme deck 3rd Place: 3 Boosters of ur choice
Tourny 1 Match 1: vs Fred with Haymaker (er hem couldn't think a better color)
    ok, this was honestly the hardest person i faced in the tourny. He is really good. Well i started with a fair hand of caterpie, metapod, chansey, potion, and 3 grass energy. Actually thats pretty good. I sent out chansey to stall and benched caterpie. I won the coin flip and i drew a kangaskan. I benched kangaskan and attached a grass energy to him. He had a benched electabuzz, hitmonchan, and a mr. mime (the trait that makes this haymaker different) His active was a movie mewtwo. Now i had a resistance to his mewtwo but not his chan so i left out chansey until his chan was almost loaded. I had drawn a switch this turn and used it on chansey. I sent out metapod and attached and energy (grass) to him. He special punched for 40 and i drew (a miracle) butterfree next turn. I immediatly evolved metapod and attached and energy to my new butterfree and whirlwinded his chan for 20 and i brought out mewtwo. (see whirlwind for details on move) i kept stalling with whirlwind i would damage his chan then his mewtwo then his chan again. i kept up this process so that no one ould hurt me that much. I then started to load up for leech seed when he sent out electabuzz. he shocked for 1 w/no paralisis and i sent out chansey once again to stall. i then got a computer search. i searched for vileplume and i received it. (i got gloom as a prize for beating his mewtwo and oddish as a prize for defeating his chan) i had gloom on the bench with 1 grass energy on it. i evolved into vileplume and i healed with heads to heal chansey's 10 damage received from a thundershock. i kept this up and i won by switching and useing petal dance to finish of his 4 last pokemon. i did hurt myself with confusion but i healed it up and potioned so i never lost butterfree. i won 6 prizes to none
Match 2 vs Jason with a Raindance
    well this was fast. i got electabuzz and 2 electric energy in my hand and that was all i needed because i destroyed his electric weak pokemon. i won 6 prizes to none
Match 3 vs Kevin with a Mono Colorless deck
    Well this was a good battle. i had an electabuzz loaded on the bench by turn 3 and a kangaskan loaded as an active. I comet punched for 60 and knocked out  his active jigglypuff (this lead me to the suspision that he was using a wiggly deck so i destroyed all jigglypuffs he had to make sure he couldn't get wiggly. i kept out kangaskan out until it was fainted by a raticate on my last prize. I had defeated 2 rattata, 2 jigglypuff, and a kangaskan of his own. i sent out chansey loaded up and double edged for the victory over his already weak kangaskan.
I waited a match because i was that person who beat their opponent with out the opponent getting the least prize cards. i went into the championship round against Gary (what a coinsidence!?!?!? GO FIGURE HAHAHAHAHAHA)
well he was working a poliwrath deck (Too bad for him that my deck has leaf types)
I started with a caterpie and a benched kangaskan. i cpu searched on my first turn for a metapod (i had 3 grass energy and a butterfree in my hand besides my kangaskan that i benched and caterpie that was active) i got metapod and attached and energy to caterpie. He sent out poliwag and benched one too. it was my turn. i evolved to metapod then to butterfree, attached an energy used whirlwind (weakness to grass of poliwag killed it and in one hit) he sent out his other then oaked and billed but i guess he couldn't get what he wanted with those 9 cards alone. i attached an energy and used whirlwind with a plus power to make sure then he sent out hi lone squirtle and i killed it with mega drain. and won cause he had no basics.
I shook his hand and he said thanks for a good battle and we all said goodbye to everyone. i left and i felt really proud.
Well thx everybody and now for (those famous) props and slops:
Props to all good sports
Props to my deck
Props to God for letting me live
Props to the Chris's collectibles for having great prizes
Slops to all cry babies and poor sports
Slops to the people that cried when they lost, its just a game people!
Well thats all people. Any comments, questions, suggestions, compliments, recent tourny info and results from the second tourny i mention hear, or anything else thats not insulting or junk mail, please email me at : collotts@snip.net
Cya later everyone