Hey everyone! Will here, a.k.a "Incredibly Annoying Staller". I created my
Thunderburn deck as a deck to use in tournaments while I work on an
undisclosed deck to take the place of my legendary Incredibly Annoying Stall.
Since my local Toys 'R' Us decided to finally hold a DCI-sanctioned tourney
last week, and since it was mostly a sudden-death tournament, I needed a
fast, powerful deck that will guarantee a quick prize. I managed to come up
with a Fire/Electric deck with quick, strong Pokémon. The Dark Raichus don't
really serve a purpose in 1-prize games, but in some of the games before the
tourney, they were just about the best choice for this deck. Besides, I like
Dark Raichu.  -_^  The Jigglypuffs are strong basics that attack well, but I
left out the Wigglytuffs so it won't have to be too dependent on Wiggly.
Well, here's the deck.

Pokémon (21)

Fire Pokémon

3 Magmar (Fossil)  Great Pokémon here. High HP, low retreat, two useful

3 Charmander (Rocket)  Fast attacker, Power helps build him up faster for

2 Charmeleon (Base) Heavy hitter. Slash is fine, Flamethrower is deadly, and
with lots of energy from Charmander, it can mean instant death.

2 Ponyta (Base) Nice colorless attack, strong Flame Tail attack as well.

Lightning Pokémon

4 Electabuzz  Another great heavy hitter. Awesome attacks and HP.

3 Pikachu (1 League promo, 1 Jungle, 1 Movie Promo)  I like League Pika's HP
and good Thundershock, Jungle Pika's bench hitting attack is strong, and
Movie Promo Pika is easy to build up for....

2 Dark Raichu  I really like this card. Great bench hitter, even if there is
a coin flip.

Colorless Pokémon

2 Jigglypuff Very nice basic with high HP, auto Sleep, and fast Pound.

Energy (23)

13 Fire Energy
10 Lightning Energy

Trainers (16)

4 Bill  Helps get energy and build up the bench.

2 Professor Oak  Ditch the cards I don't need at the moment for 7 new cards.
Nothing wrong with that.

4 Energy Removal There is absolutely no drawback to using this card.

2 Gust of Wind  Grab their benched weaklings for a quick snack.

2 Nightly Garbage Run   This deck goes fast, so this is very helpful.

2 PlusPower  Helps in many situations.

Now, the report.

Round 1: Against Jeremy with Rain Dance
Jeremy is one of two players at the league that is a challenge to play
against. There's only one 'Stoise in his deck, and tons of evolution lines
(Poliwrath, Gyarados, Blastoise, and Dewgong), and it's amazing how he gets
the deck to work. I get a great draw of Electabuzz, Ponyta, some Energy, an
ER, and a Bill. He gets a lone Articuno. I whittle away at Articuno's HP
while he builds it up, but he Gusts Ponyta out and kills it. I lose...

Round 2: Against Jeremy (again)
Thankfully, the last match didn't count as it started before the tourney. He
again gets a single Articuno out, but soon draws Magikarp. This time, he
isn't so lucky. I get Electabuzz, League Pika, and Dark Raichu, as well as
Lightning energy and a Bill. I use Electabuzz as my active, and kill his
Articuno in four turns. I win!

Round 3: Against ??? with Water/Psy deck.
This kid annoys me a lot. He's a poor sport, and has so many rare promos that
he's not allowed to trade. He just likes to show off his promo Jigglypuff and
Venusaur, which I can probably never get now. I start with Charmander, he
gets a base Abra. I do 20 damage to Abra, and then he evolves Abra to
Kadabra. He recovers, but I soon load Charmander with energy and evolve to
Charmeleon. I Flamethrower with PlusPower for the win.

Round 4: Against little kid with Fighting/? deck
This match was no problem, as my Dark Raichu wiped out his bench. I win!

Round 5: Against another little kid (I think the brother of the kid I battled
last round) with multi-color deck.
His deck had a serious energy problem, as well as poor Pokémon choices. I saw
the base Machamp and Magneton line, as well as Paras and Parasect. The
Machokes scared me because I started with Electabuzz, until I realized that
he had evolved his one-energy Machop and couldn't attack for two turns! By
the time he got three energy on Machoke, Karate Chop did no damage, so I
finished him off fast. I win!

Round 6: Against Robert with lame all-Rocket water deck
Fast match. He gets two Eevees, and I win second turn with a Thunderpunch.

Round 7: Against Jeremy (again) with Raindance
I start with a lone Electabuzz, he gets Articuno. I go first, Thundershock. I
Thunderpunch for 40 second turn, and he only got two energy on his Articuno.
Our battle is cut short because some other idiot kid already "won" the
tournament because he had the most wins so far. If I had one more turn, I
would have won this battle, but we couldn't finish it.

Some kid that I didn't battle won the tourney because it was cut short.
Unfortunately, the kid wasn't even a great player.  I knew I could beat the
kid, but the tourney had to end at 8 and the person with the most wins so far
won the tourney.  First place won holo Mew, second place was Prerelease Dark
Gyarados, and third place was league promo Pikachu. I have two of each of
those already, so I don't mind not winning.

Now....Props and Slops.

PROPS to Toys 'R' Us for finally having a tournament
PROPS to the little kid who traded me another Movie Promo Mewtwo for my non
holo Hypno
PROPS to the kids I beat for losing >: )
PROPS to the kid who traded me his mint 1st edition Dark Raichu for my 1st
edition holo Dark Machamp!
SLOPS to the spoiled kid who wasn't allowed to trade any of his awesome rares
SLOPS to Toys 'R' Us for ending the tourney too early so the best player
there besides me still only got third place for seven wins and one loss.
SLOPS to Toys 'R' Us for having lousy prizes that are simple to get
SLOPS to whoever thought of the idea of making some of the English promos
impossible to get when there are very few of them already
SLOPS to the kid who won even though he's not a very good player.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me at Raiden9984@aol.com.
