Hi this is Donny again I have a new deck that I made while sittin at the
home eating cheese with kyle.  Okay so i took this deck a little 2 far.
The following weekend me and Kyle went to the same tourney which was
decided to be held again this time at manheim pike, pa because of
trubble the tourney managers were having with their vehicles(don't
ask).  Okay this tourney had 18 ppl.  It was held on june, 3, 2000.
okay now the report.  this deck is psycic lightning.
3 abra
3 kadabra
2 alakazam
3 electabuzz
2 movie mewtwo(got ripped off by some stupid kid cuz he liked it so
much.  I had to give him a friggin base electrode. i know it was stupid)
1 lt surge electabuzz(electricity-take two electric energy from your
dicard and attach them to electabuzz.  30times- discard all electric
energy.  for each one you discard flip a coin if heads the defendin
poke'mon takes 30 damage.
1 team rocket mewtwo- change damage-flip coin if heads take damage from
mewtwo and attach to defending.  hypnotic wave- 20 damage- flip if heads
defendin poke'mon is asleep.  psyburn-40 damage.
3 lickitung
2 team rocket zapdos- 20 damage plasma take 2 electric from yur discard
and attach dem to zapdos.  electroburn-70 damage for each lightning
energy do ten damage to zapdos.
TRAINERS...(took your advice and didn't put trainers that don't belong
in psy decks.(except bill)
3 bill
1 S.E.R
2 nightly garbage run
1 challenge
1 super potion
3 pluspower
15 psy energy
15 lightning

OKAY THE TOURNEY  first battle-kyle(always beat him)
He starts with a blaine growlithe.  My hand was OKAY i got abra,
alakazam, challenge, both SER's, 2 psy energy.  I send out abra.  I win
da flip.  I attach energy after drawing electabuzz.  I don't paralyze.
next he attaches fire energy.  I draw electric energy bench electabuzz.
attach energy to abra evolve and pass.  next turn he benches chan.  does
not attach energy(didn't have none after i beat him im makin him a
deck).  okay my turn attach energy.  fifty damage.  ko growlithe.  now
for hitmonchan(one energy attached).  use jab.  20 to kadabra.  I felt
like messin around, so i attach energy to alakazam.  use confuse ray for
60 confused.  next turn he attaches energy to chan 20 to himself due to
confusion.  koed i win no energy no basic.

second battle-some old feller(good whooped me up!)
okay i start with a GOOD hand.  2 buzz, 1 bill, TR mewtwo and the rest
psy energy, and one electric send out buzz, bench mewtwo.  he sends out
a scyther.  He wins the flip attaches DCB to scyther.  I attach energy
to buzz.  thundershock paralyze.  he had a pok'emon on his bench i
didn't notice it was dragonair with no energys though.  next, he
attaches energy to scyther.  i was thinkin why would he do that.  he
pulls full heal.  scyther is healed!  now it's the downfall.  he goes on
to ko buzz and then i ko his scyther with mewtwo. then he whips out
fully pumped dragonite!  takes out my fully pumped kadabra, mewtwo, and
lt surge buzz!  he wins!

second to last battle:alex(nidoking deck)
okay i start with tr zapdos, 2 bill, and the rest lightning energy.  i
win flip use plasma on his nidoran male.  20 damage.  next he attaches
energy and attacks it works.  next i attach energy to zapdos.  I use
plasma and what do i see a defender he attached last turn!  his turn he
attacks fails.  I use plasma for the win no basic.

last battle:me vs. bobby(hyper kid wit glasses)  this one was kinda
hard he had an annoying deck.  he starts with jiggly and had a wiggly
and DCE in his hand.  I start with my buzz, and the rest psy energy and
one lightning, oh and a bill.  I lose flip. he attaches energy and
pounds me.  I get pluspower.  use bill get 2 more pluspower!  that's
messed up.  I attach one pluspower.  use thunderpunch and beat his fully
pumped wiggly after 2 turns because of thos pluspowers.  he didn't have
no basic.

okay so that's the end o' da tourney

the following are da props...
props to buzz who was very helpful
once again props to my mom for shopping and not annoyin the hell out of
me and kyle
props to all who had the guts to challenge me
props to dat old guy who knows how to play

the following are da slops...
slops to da bobby boy because he thought he could beat me in air hockey
and i whooped em' up.

okay this out come was okay to...
i got 3 packs i got one darkness, and 2 gym 1  in da darkness i got a
stupid sabrina gengar.  in de other ones i got lt surge magneton, and
misty seadra!  any further ???'s email me at r3salomon@hotmail.com