Hi Pojo!

Here is my killer deck - Damage Strikes Back.

Created, played and written up by Peter Ross


Firstly - Here's the tourney details:

I attended a tournament at Wyvern Games, Worcestershire, UK on the 20th Jan
2000. 31
people clocked in I think, and it was very busy!!

We played a 6 prize knockout competition, and once you were out, that was
it, only
freindlies left to play for you meladdie!!

Secondly - here's the contents:





3x Abra - Needed for evolutions, and can stall for a while
2x Kadabra - Deals out 50 damage!! for a psychic, that's cool!
1x Alakazam - Deck revolves around his damage swap, and confuse ray
  is no bad attack
2x Jynx - Meditate, need I say more! Combined with some retreating, him
  and Kadabra make a formidable combination!


4x Machop - For evolution purposes only, although low kick isn't too bad for
  20 damage and only 1 energy needed
3x Machoke  - Pretty tough to beat, and also good for evolution
2x Machamp - Great Pokémon, does 60 damage and discards nothing, and strikes
  back power is really good for increasing the speed of kills, like a
  permanent pluspower
1x Hitmonchan - Can deal damage really quickly, and can take quite a lot as
  well (ironically, I never drew him in any of my games!!)

No colorless Pokémon, because...well...just aren't, and they weren't


13x Fighting
15x Psychic
2x Double Colorless


1x Prof Oak - Can rescue a lost hand, or is dead good when you only have 1
  or 2 cards left in your hand. Watch out for a low deck though!!
1x Gust of wind - Really scuppers an opponents plan, and is especially good
  swapping golem or snorlax (retreat of four!!)
1x Revive - Has an occasional usage, when I run out of abras or want a jynx
1x Bill - Just helpful in getting cards out!! Again, watch for a low deck.
2x Energy Removal - Brilliant Card, especially against DCE's! Can really
  up an opponents chances
1x Switch - In case alakazam needs retreating (3 nrg, saved.!)
1x Super NRG Removal - I have to have excess energy for this to work, and
  needs planning, but worth it!
1x Potion - I possibly need more, but there is no more room, very useful to
  your bacon in a tight situation
1x Super Potion - Potion's daddy, very useful, but needs excess nrg and
1x Computer Search - Simply to find the needed card, or to get alakazam
1x Defender - Like a negative potion, useful to save the game

My main trouble is other psychic decks, especially Haunter decks, I just
fall asleep!




Round one:

Well, wasn't this weird, in round one I drew one of my best mates, Chris!

He had a non-raindance water deck with dewgong, gyrados and poliwrath.

First hand is down, and he pulls a mulligan, so I get two extra cards, which
were vital, an Abra and a Kadabra, to go with a computer search in my hand.
He won the toss, and went first. He plays a poliwag, and benches a
magikarp and a seel. He attaches a DCE to magikarp, and evolves him. I
suffer no
damage (weird!!). I decide to play computer search early on, and look for
which was worthwhile, he was at the bottom! I put down a jynx and an Abra
(attach 1
psyNRG to him). I psyshock for 10 and..urrm..yess, he was paralysed! He then
attaches another DCE to gyrados, and plays NRG removal on my Abra. Again he
no damage. Next I drew a bill, and played him, getting a DCE and a Machop. I
Machop, and attach the DCE to Abra. Then I psyshock him for 10, and paralyse
He then draws a bill, and gets a dewgong and a poliwirl (lucky guy!!). He
evolves both
seel and poliwag, and that's it, he's paralysed. Then I bring up the big
guy. I draw a
machoke, and evolve my Machop (in case of a gust of wind) and attach a
to Abra, and evolve him. I super psy poliwag for a prize <1> (fig NRG). He
then sends
out dewgong (with no NRG). He attaches a watNRG to dew, and then it's my go.
I draw an
Abra, and evolve the Kadabra in play to an alakazam. I confuse ray him for
30, but
no confuse. He then puts another watNRG on dewgong, and plays prof oak.
Again, he does sod all damage!!!. I then draw a switch, and attach a fig NRG
to machoke,
then do 30 damage to dewgong, and confuse him this time. His turn: He then
draws a poliwag
and attaches wat NRG to dewgong, and aurora beams me for 50, having
himself (oh no!!). I then get a DCE and put it on machoke. I switch him for
and karate chop him for 50, thus killing him <2>. 2 prizes now. Next he
sends up gyrados,
and hits me for 50. I then get lucky and draw a machamp. I decided to evolve
even though I couldn't attack, at least he would last, and attach a fig NRG
to him. I also
attach defender. He then doesn't do anything, and hits me for 50. I survive,
and hit him
back for 10. Then I draw a fig NRG and attach it to machamp. I move 60
damage to jynx from
machamp I hit him for 60 with seismic toss. He then draws yet another
useless card, and
gyrados hits me for 50. Next, I blast him for 60, thus killing him <3>, and
forcing him
to send up poliwag. He has no NRG, and I then kill him with one shot of
seismic toss <4>.
he has no basics, so I win. It didn't matter though, he got lucky and won
the only
BYE for the losers to the next round.

1/0 in my favour!!


Round two:

I was pitted against Andy Williams (not the pop star), with his raindance
three color deck
(a bit unusual)

First up I get a positively bad hand, with 4 trainers, and just a Machop and
2 nrg. I go first,
and hit him for 20. Then he sends out squirtle, and paralyses me for 10. I
then get lucky and
draw my only bill, which leads to a machoke and a DCE. I play both in the
one turn, thus
de-paralysing Machop, and evolving him. I hit him with karate chop for 40
<1>. He then sends up a
charmander and benches a bulbasaur. He scratches me for 10. I then attach
another fighting nrg to machoke and submission him for 60, thus taking
another prize. <2> He then sends up his ivysaur (evolved from bulba), plays
nrg removal (on my DCE!!), and hits me for 30, and I'm not far off gone. I
then decide to play one of the trainers I had earlier, and search for a
machamp. It was well worth it, he was about 7 cards from the bottom, with
the other one even further below! I evolve my machoke, and attach a figNRG,
and do nothing. He then has a LOAD of luck and draws a venusaur, and evolves
him. He can't attack, so it's my turn. I draw another nrg (boy do I need a
basic!!) and attach it to machamp, and kill venu. <3>. My prize was a jynx.
He sends out his recently drawn tangela, and attaches defender, and a
graNRG. My go, so I bench jynx, and hit tangela for 40. He then plays
potion, and kills off machamp. I have to send up jynx and attach a fighting
nrg to her/him/it/thingy/item of the unknown!! He then hits me for 20, but
fails to paralyse. I then attach a psyNRG to jynx, and it's his go again. He
hits me for another 20 (he sooo needs am NRG). I then get a stroke of luck
and get a grass nrg which is enough to use meditate and kill off tangela,
and as he has no other basics, I win.

2/0 in my favour!!


Round three:

Against some geezer, I forget the name, but it doesn't really matter - his
deck was so positively rubbish, and he was an easy person to beat!

Firstly, I got an Abra and a Machop in my first hand. I won the flip, and I
play Machop, attach 1 figNRG to him, and low kick his magikarp for 20. He
has no NRG, and only evolved Pokémon, so he does nufink. I draw a Kadabra,
but little does it matter, I low kick him 20, and he has no basics, so I
win! We agreed to play each other again sometime, as a sort of re-match, but
as far as the tourney was concerned, I went through.

3/0 now, getting good!!


Round Four (semi finals):

Against James Talbott with his toxic solarsludge deck. He also has a deck
report in this month, you can check out his grass only deck, and how he got
on at this tourney.

First up I get a fairly decent hand, and he has to mulligan, leaving me with
a clear advantage. I put down jynx, and he places grimer. I bench Abra as
well. Again, luck was with me, and I get to go first. I attach a psyNRG to
jynx, and doubleslap (doublecrap as he put it) him for 20 (with his weakness
included in that). He then benches a bulbasaur, and nasty-goos me for 10,
and, d'oh, I get paralysed! Next I evolve Abra into Kadabra ( I had a hunch
he had a GOW). Then I put another psyNRG on jynx, and doubleslap grimer for
20. He next draws a DCE, and puts it on bulbaBORE, and nasty-goo's me for
10, but no paralyse (phew). I then get lucky and use NRG removal on bulba's
DCE (ha-ha-ha-ha), and I meditate for 80 damage!! Grimer is one gonna
Pokémon!! He then sends up the helpless bulbaBore, and I follow through by
meditating for 20, and attaching a psyNRG to Kadabra. He potions bulba, and
leech seeds me for 20. Next I attach a psyNRG to Kadabra, and meditate for
20. He then hits me with leech seed, but he knows the game is lost, as all I
have to do I meditate to  kill off the weak bulbasaur!! <2>He has no basics,
so I win!! It just goes to show how killer basics can triumph over a deck
that revolves around evolutions!!

4/0 - in the final on my first tourney, and that aint too bad really!



Uh-oh, not gonna be too easy really!! The guy I was playing, named Max had a
colorless deck, with some electric in there as well.

First, I lose the flip, and have to mulligan, making sure I make life as
easy as possible for him right from the start….aaarrrggghhh!! He goes first,
and plays dratini, against my jynx. This means that until I get another
basic, I can't damage him. He hits me with pound twice before an Abra
arrives. I play switch ( I had 4 trainers in my first hand alone!!) and
paralyse him with psyshock. He then gets a DCE and evolves Dratini into
dragonair. As he evolved the dragon bloke, he hits me with slam, and Abra is
outta here!!. I am forced to send out my only basic, jynx, who already has
20 damage. He simply slams me, and I'm out of basics! Not a good way to end
an otherwise promising tournament!

I check my deck after, whilst everyone else gorps at the winner and his
dragonair of death, and discover that I only had to hang in there for one
more turn before I got Hitmonchan!! Do'h!!

At least I got 4 boosters for my runner-up prize. I only got another dewgong
in then though, and an electrode.

Oh well, all in all, a disappointing end to an otherwise good, and enjoyable


Comments, suggestions and queries should be sent to gengarshrine@hotmail.com
(Peter Ross)

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