Hey Pojo! I love your site. Anyway, this was a Pokemon
League event held at Toys r Us. It is free to get in,
but you have to find people to play against by
yourself. And you don't get any prizes. It was the day
when you get a free promo Mew just for showing up! It
was cool.

My name:Lawrence Beck
Place:Toys r Us
Location:Lewisville, Texas
Date:January 8

Here's my deck.


3xNidoran (male)

26xGrass Energy
1xDouble Colorless Energy

2xFull heal
3xBill (Childs, Bill has...nevermind) Inside
1xProfessor Oak
2xGust of Wind
1xPokemon Breeder
1xScoop up

Match One
Me vs. Weirdo kid (Fire & Psychic deck)

This kid was absolutely insane. He was only like 11
years old. I was scared of him sometimes because I
never knew when he was really going to lose it. I
started with Pinsir. He had Gastly as his active and
Mr.Mime on the bench. I went first. Attached an energy
on Pinsir and I said, "go" (another inside joke). I
eventually got rid of his Gastly by paralyzing it to
death. He sent out a Charmander and used a recycle.
(here comes one of the parts that scares me) He was
about to flip the coin and he said in his high little
voice, "If I flip a tails I'm gonna hurt somebody!"
Uh-oh, I thought. He flipped a tails, but luckily he
didn't hurt me. Well anyways the game went on and he
never got rid of my Pinsir. Easy win.


Match two

Me vs. A REALLY CRAZY KID!a.k.a. "The money kid"
because once he was begging his mom for money but she
kept tellong him she had none. (he had a Psychic deck)

This kid must of had his own personal rule book. But
to satisfy him, I went along. He won the toss. I put
down my active and benched Pokemon face down like any
normal  game, but then he tells me that since I lost
the toss,  I can't put down any benched Pokemon?! That
is strange! Well I had Nidoran out, he Psywaved me
with his Mew, but I didn't have any energies on
Nidoran. HEHE! I used Horn Hazard and it worked. He's
got a Haunter on the bench by now. Uh-oh. He Psywaved
and did  20 damage to me.(weakness) Then I drew a
Nidorino! Just what I needed. I evolved to Nidorino,
attached a DCE, and Potioned! A fresh Nidorino! I
double kicked and got rid of Mew. But now, the
Haunter. Dun,Dun DUN!
He uses Nightmare, puts me to sleep, but I use Full
Heal, my best friend. I use Double Kick. First, he
flips for transparency and gets tails! Now if I can
only get two heads. I flip the first one, heads! Just
one more. I flip and it lands on heads! But the idiot
says that since it landed on the ground, it doesn't
count. "Whatever" I say and flip again. This time it
lands on the table and gets heads! So I win due to no
basics left for him. WIN


Match three

Me vs. Gym leader (grass & fighting deck)

Time for a challenge. I got Grimer out and Venonat and
the bench. I stalled awhile by Paralyzing. A few turns
later, I got Venomoth on the bench and fully loaded
too. Grimer was knocked out so I sent in the 'moth.
With two Full heals in my hand I knew nothing could
stop me. I was up against a Grimer that Paralyzed me
once, but Full Heal took care of it. I got rid of
Grimer and he had no choice to send out Machop. With a
resistance to Fighting, there wasn't any way he could
hurt me, until he evolved to a Machoke. He
Submissioned, killing both of us. So I sent in
Kangaskhan and did some serious damage. I killed a few
Weedles and a Machop and the game was mine. WIN. The
Gym Leader was a real nice guy and gave me two extra
Mews for beating him. That makes 3 on the day.

Final record: 3-0

Time for Props and Slops

Props to Toys r Us for having another great Pokemon
League event.
Props to the gym leader for giving me two mews.
Props to Matt's dad for taking us.
Props to Toys r Us for giving out mews.

Slops to "The money kid" for not reading the REAL
Slops to the first kid for scaring me so badly.

If you have any suggestions or comments about my deck,
my name is Lawrence and my email is
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