Hi Pojo! I competed at a tournament last Saturday at The GAME KEEPER in North Olmsted Ohio. I'd say there were about 30 kids participating to win the box of 1st edition fossil packs including me. That day I decided to use this psychic deck that I just finished and was really excited to try out. Here is my decklist and an anatomy of how I did.
4 Abra
4 Alakazam
2 Mewtwo (movie promo)
4 Mr.Mime
4 Chansey
2 Lickitung (dont laugh, they help!)
4 Tentacool (I'll explain later)
4 Pokemon Center
4 Scoop Up
4 Pokemon Breeder
2 Pokemon Trader
2 Gambler (so they deck and I dont)
21 Psychic Energy
    The point of this deck is to get Alakazam, something to hold damage (Chansey),a Tentacool (to cowardice 20 damage away each turn) and a gambler (so when your decks are getting low and you have a huge hand (you almost allways will) you can put it into your deck making your opponent deck before you do.
    Here is how the tournament went for me. I entered the store with my friends Matt, Dennis, Sheamus, and Dan. We signed up and the matches began.
*Round 1 vs. Dennis and raindance deck:
    I play Dennis all the time so I was really confident because I allmost allways win. He was upset because he practically knew he'd be a 1st round casualty. I drew a perfect hand (Mewtwo, Abra, Alakazam, Chansey, Scoop up, and 2 Tentacool) I sat there doing nothing until I had about 10 cards left in my deck and about 40 cards in my hand. Neither 1 of us had gotten a prize yet. I started to worry that my gamblers were in my prizes but I got 1 and replenished my deck. Dennis decked and I won.
*Round 2 vs. Joey and electric, mostly colorless deck (bad for most psychic decks but not for me)
    Started with Abra, Breeder, Alakazam and rest energy. He had a lone Zapdos. Flip, he went first. He started loading up his Zapdos I confused rayed but to no sucess. Thank god I drew a Chansey and a poke center and scoop up to fend him off until i got another Alakazam and the cards to back him up in the end Joe decked and I was victorious.
*Round 3 vs. Megan and Haymaker deck
    I use a Hitmonchan Electabuzz deck like hers but I threw in some Aerodactyls she didnt (Whew! If she used them I'd have been toast.) I started with Lickitung and a Mr.Mime on my bench. I went first and started tongue wrapping her Electabuzz. That sucker lasted almost 10 turns before she killed it, giving me the time to build up and get 2 Alakazams and 3 Tentacools. The battle was smoothe sailing from there her quick hitters were no match for my Alakazam. This was the first match I won by getting all my prizes! Record 3-0 putting me in the finals.
    It seems that ever since I introduced the raindance deck around here, a good # of players use them. That irritates me especially because one night Matt slept over and copied my secret Raindance deck down while I was sleeping. He was allways my #1 rival but my #1 friend also. This would be a tough match. Flip heads in his favor. He got a Squirtle and a Magikarp. I got a Chansey, Mewtwo, and Mr.Mime. He bubbled my Chansey. I put energy on Mime. as usual 2nd turn Blastoise, Rain Dance and Oak. Then More dancing and Gyrados. Hit Chansey for 60. I scooped up Chansey, energyed Mime and sent him out. He never killed that Mr. Mime for he took the Lapras' out. I laughed and said "I told you they were good!" As usual he was about to deck and conceded. I won!
    Well that's how my deck shaped up in its 1st tourney. I think this deck is well worth taking the time to make and perfect. Good luck, I hope this deck works as good for you as it does for me.
    Matt Spanulo
(Mail me if you have any questions or comments for me. I'll get back to you as soon as I can)