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Tournament Report
Place: Heroes Unlimited
Participants: Roughly, 35
City/State: Roselle IL
Style: Double Elimination, One game a match.
January 22, 2000


Pokemon: 12
Hitmonchan x3 (Still great after all these... months)
Scyther x3 (Free retreat, resistance, not in here for much more.)
Electabuzz x3 (IMHO the best basic Pokemon.)
Mr. Mime x2 (The clean up crew. Kills everyone after a few rounds of Buzz.)
Chansey x1

Trainers: 28 (Lots o' trainers =D)
Super Energy Removal x3 (The bad ass.)
Energy Removal x4 (The bad asses little brother.)
Bill x3 (No need for explanation...)
Professor Oak x2 (I dunno, it's a great card.)
Item Finder x2
Computer Search x2 (IMHO The best card in the game. Any card, period.)
Gust of Wind x2
Energy Retrieval x2
PlusPower x4 (While Computer Search is amazing. This card RULES. Not having
four is just not right.)
Scoop Up x3 (Excellent card, let us give thanks to the lord almighty for
creating it.)
Gambler x1 (Didn't use it, but if something sneaky went on during the finals
I could of used it.)

Energy: 20
Lightning x6
Fighting x6
Psychic x5
Double Colorless x3
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Before the report:
Well this deck is basically the best deck I've ever played with. I've tried 2
other kinds of Potpourris (Fire/Fighting/Psychic and Lightning/Fire/Psychic)
and have never even gotten to the finals with Either of those. I WAS going to
play a Lapras/Hitmonchan/Mr. Mime deck. But it didn't work when I played it.
So I switched last second to Buzz. And I'm lucky I even came to the tourney.
A friend of mine (whose name shall be kept hidden.) said that there was a
tourney at this one place. There wasn't, and I just made it to Roselle cause
me and my Mom got into a fight =D anyways... to the report!

I wasn't feeling confident today. There were a lot of good people today. And
I was pretty scared. But armed with a Safari vest, (Yes that's right, a
safari vest that I held cards in.) my floppy hat, and 3 dollars.

Game 1: Vs. Tim, with a Rain Dance.

I've played him two times before. He's beaten me once and I've beaten him
once. I was ready to kill... My opening hand is SO good to match a Rain
Dance. I get a Buzz, lightning, some removal, search cards, and a scoop. I
put down Buzz and he goes first. He has a ditto and he uses Thunder Shock and
paralyzes. No bigee. I draw my card, PERFECT! Scyther. I scoop up Buzz, and
then put it back down and shock. He's starting to Oak a lot and I get
worried. Still no bigee. I kill his ditto quickly. And then search for an
Oak. I get some more good cards, like um.... *trumpets play loudly* Mr. Mime!
He gets Blastoise out about turn 6 or 7. And I'm getting more Buzz's and
lightning. Wow I'm doing well I kill the rest of his Pokemon with my Mime and
Buzz's (At one point I had all three out, and did until he forfeited.) He
draws NO prizes. Wow.. that was cool.

Wow I'm sooo happy. I just knocked off one of the best guys there. On to the
next round. I keep looking around the place... it's ALL psychic with Movie
Mewtwo's. I'm so excited! WOO-HOO!

Game 2: Vs. Chris Hoffman, with a very cool Psychic deck.

I played him once before with my Wigglymaker from Hell. He beat me horribly.
So I was ready for revenge. We, being good sports tell each other what decks
we have. Apparently he has an all Psychic deck... wow. Mr. Mime is gonna rule
this game.

I get a decent hand, Scyther and a Mime (yes) with some removal and search
cards and scoop. Similar to my last hand. I put out Scyther first. And I go
first. He's got a Ditto. I put down and energy. Knowing that I have a DCE in
my hand (duh.) He also lays down energy and swords dances. I removal and
slash. He puts down some basics. So he won't lose. And puts down another
energy on one of  his benched (Can't remember which.) I attack with Scyther
again, pumping up Mime. He's got Mew on the bench. So I don't put down
PlusPower just yet. He gets out some Movie Mewtwo's. And I get more... stuff.
Basically, Mr. Mime was god this game. The only Pokemon I killed with another
Pokemon was with my Scyther. I killed his Mew with two PlusPowers. He takes
one prize off of me. Then he forfeits.

Wow so I win 2nd round and beat ANOTHER great guy. I feel so good. Quoting
Dario after the match, I said in the best hillbilly farmer voice I could
manage. "Yip-ee! I'm gonna win this one!"

Game 3: Vs. Tall Dude with Glasses, with a Hitmonchan/Lapras/Articuno/Scyther

Interesting deck he's playing. I get Buzz off of a few early Bills to fight
his Lapras. He gets like very little energy. And I destroy the energy he does
get. Electabuzz rules this game. Not much else to say other than it was over
in about 10 turns.

Game 4: No game, my opponent didn't show, so I got a bye.

Game 5: Some dude with a Rain Dance.

I've been talking to him during the tourney. And I'm ready to toast his Rain

A pretty bad hand... don't get much to start off with except um what's his
name... begins with an E and ends in Z? Oh yeah... ELECTABUZZ! Woo-hoo! Him
and Scyther start my frontal attack. I go first (For the third time in the
row.) and get out Buzz quickly to fight his Lapras. He starts to pump up an
Articuno he has on his bench. I KO Lapras and ER his Articuno. He's like...
helpless. He  gets another Articuno. I Thunder Punch the first Articuno. He
switches sends out the other Arti
with one energy on it. I Thunder Punch again. Doing 40 damage. He can't
retreat. I kill both of his Articunos. Quickly, efficiently. And with
stealth. On to the finals! Oh joy!

Game 6: Finals: Some guy wearing a Gay wrestling shirt with a Haymaker

I'm expecting to lose. Until I find out he's using... MOVIE MEWTWO! And
Hitmonchan! That'll be my ticket to fame. I get a pretty bad hand with JUST a
Chansey. I go first, he's got... uh-oh, a  Hitmonchan. I use all 3 of my
Bills to get a... yip-ee. Electabuzz. I start to pump up Buzz. He beats on
Chansey with his Hitmo. I start removaling. And bring up good ol' Buzz. I
start to Thu- nder Punch. I keep removaling and finally get an Oak. Let's
just put it this way. Mime came in and destroyed. I swept up his Hitmo's with
Scythers. And destroyed EVERYTHING else with Mime. As usual Mime is the
MVPotG (Most Valuable Player of the Game =D) He draws 3 Prizes on me. A
record for the tourney.

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It's now time for props and slops.
PROPS to the inventor of the Potpourri, Scott G. It's amazingly easy to use.
And it's fun!
PROPS to Mr. Mime! Wow this guy is great.
PROPS to Movie Mewtwo for sucking against Mr. Mime so much.
PROPS to Buzz. This guy did more than I mentioned him for. He just RULED.

SLOPS to Rudy R. (whoops guess he didn't remain hidden) for telling me there
was going to be a tourney in Aurora. When there wasn't.
SLOPS to Heroes for making the prize only 15-DOLLAR store credit!
SLOPS to Heroes for not holding DCI tourneys. Come on people! You'd make SO
much cash!

I got 4 boosters, 2 basic, 1 fossil, 1 jungle. And pulled Snorlax non-holo.
Two Super Energy
Removals (I have 7 now.), and um... I forgot. Did I mention how good it feels
to beat guys that  are 15? Getting beaten by an 11-year-old must feel very

Chris Peditto

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