Hey pojo' it's 32 DEGREES FARENHIEGHT again.
The objective is to get Blastiose out as soon as possible.I took out the
magikarp/Gyrados and added a Blastiose,and Staryus.On to the deck.
32 Degrees Farenhieght
Pokemon (19)
3 Blastiose (This time I traded Pinser(HOLO)+Fossil
Raichu(HOLO)=Blastiose)(Whats a Raindance without Blastiose)
1 Wortortle (I'm lookin for another pokemon breeder)
4 Squirtle (Blastiose is gotta come from somewhere)
4 Articuno (I got this one in a bet on my sister)
4 Lapras (Mime Killer)
3 Staryu (I almost lost wth Magikarp)(The other mime killer)
Trainers  (19)
3 Professor Oak (2ND PL. THE BEST CARD)
1 Gambler (To prevent decking)
2 Pokemon Breeder (For Stoise)
3 Computer Search (Search for a missing link
1 Item finder (Get back an Oak)
2 Recycle (Get back bill,possibly stoise)
3 Gust of Wind (disruption Galore
Energy (22)
22 Water Energy (Duh)
The tourny was at toys r us in Phoenix, AZ on Saturday January 21 at
10:00.There wre 12 participants(a lot better than last time).

Round 1 VS Nick Jungworth with psychic deck
This kid was new at pokemon and hes a kid at my school.I got the best
hand you could ever get.Stoise,Breeder,Squirtle,Lapras, 2 Water, Oak.He
got an abra. I won the flip.I put an energy on Lapras,Water gun for
10.He doesn't have any energy and passes.I draw a water,upgrade to
stoise,raindance 2 on lapras,Oak=3 Water,Gust of
Wind,Articuno,Oak,Staryu,I raindance 3 onto blastiose,put arti on my
bench AND KILL, he has no bench pokemon,I WIN
Round 2 BYE!!!!
Round  3 VS Nick
I get 2 Lapras,5 Water,1 Oak.He sends out Gastly(BASE), 2 Jynx on his
his.I lose the flip.He puts an energy on Gastly.SLEEPING GAS=00,no
sleep(tails).I put an energy on lapras.WATER GUN=10.He puts an energy on
Gastly.DESTINY BOND=00.I draw an articuno.I put an energy on lapras and
WAT-CONFUSE RAY=10,heads(Confused).He puts an energy on Gastly.DESTINY
BO-wait a second...  ...He's confused(HA HA)He gets tails.(HA HA HA)And
the poor unfortunate Gastly commited sueside.He sends out Jynx and puts
an energy on Jynx.DOUBLE SLAP=20, (he's gotta get heads sometimes).I
draw an energy.I put an energy on Lapras WATER GUN=30.He puts an energy
on Jynx,puts a gastly(FOSSIL) on his bench.DOUBLE SLAP=10(one heads).I
draw an energy and put it energy on arti.I use WATER GUN=30.He  evolves
his gastly into haunter(fossil.He puts an energy on Jynx and MEDITATE=50
Lapras had to take a beating for the team..I send out benched
lapras,draw a water attatch it to Lapras WATER GUN=10.There goes Jynx.He
sends out the haunter and evolves it into gengar, puts an energy on it
and NOTHING=00.I put an energy on Lapras and CONFUSE RAY=10
Damage(Confused).He tries DARK MIND =-20(Tails).I put an energy on
arti.Draw Squirtle.and WATER GUN=30 amage.He tries to use DARK MIND=-20
and the big gengar chose the same choice as gastly,and killed himself.He
sends out jynx.Puts an energy on it and DOUBLE SLAP=0(tails).I draw a
stiose,put an energy on arti and I use WATER GUN=10 (confused).He tries
for DOUBLE SLAP=-20. I draw A BREEDER.I breed to blastiose.Raindance to
fill up the other pokemon+himself.I use water gun=30.He has 10 HP
left.He uses DOUBLE SLAP(heads x3)=20.I use ater gun for the kill.and
thats his last basic pokemon.
Round 4 VS ???? with Electric Deck.
He lost this game early.It started off with his magnemite VS my
Articuno.He wins the flip.He cant find any energy,so he passes.iI keep
puting energy on arti,and he's still looking for energy.He finally gets
one on his 3rd turn and THUNDERWAVE=10 for tails.I attatch a 3rd water
energy and freeze dry=heads.He's helpless on his turn because he's
paralyzed.I kill magnemite and thats his last basic pokemon.I
I finally got my first badge.
And my deck record is 24-1
I spent the bye time talkingwith kids about the promo jigglypuff.One kid
predicted it will never come and its just there to have you buy the CD.

I haven't done this,but I'll try it out.
PROPS to people like elliot who commented about my last reports
PROPS to my mom for taking my there
PROPS to Nick and ???? for being good  losers
PROPS to me for winning the tourny
PROPS to Scott for posting this
PROPS to the kid who traded me theblastiose
SLOPS for me not telling you that the last report I messed up on the
last battle,he had no more bench pokemon.lol
SLOPS for the BYE not coming
SLOPS to toys r us for not having good prizes
So that raps it up.