Hey Pojo! This is my first report. I played in a pokemon league at Zainy
Brainy on Sunday Jan. 23 in Indianapolis ,Indiana. There were about 20
people there.

Here is my deck:

4 Mew
4 Mysterious Fossil
4 Aerodactyl
4 Hitmonchan   
3 Mewtwo (Movie Promo)
3 Chansey
2 Mr. Mime
2 Proffessor Oak
3 Computer Search
2 Gust of Wind 
2 Scoop Up
3 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal
4 Double Colorless Energy
10 Psychic Energy
10 Fighting Energy

Now for the report:

Match 1 vs. Overgrowth

My first match was against a little kid with an unmodified Overgrowth deck.
He kept getting no basics so I got like 11 cards. Then I got my mom to
shuffle his deck and he got two weedles. I got a mewtwo and a mew. I got
mewtwo powered up on the second turn and anhilated his weedles with Psyburn
for the win.
record: 1-0 

Match 2 vs. girl

This girl was pretty good. I forget most of the match, but she beat my
Mewtwo and hitmonchan but I came back with two hitmos and a chansey for the win.
record: 2-0

Match 3 vs. boy
youre probably going to not post my report for this but I forget this entire
match. I think he had a fire deck. I won though.
record: 3-0

Match 4 vs. boy with good psychic deck that beat my friend.

I watched my friend play this kid. this boy got out like hypnos and kadabras
and gengars. Then when I played hm he had an abra. I had mew and mr. mime.
He paralyzed my mew, but I scooped and sent out a fully loaded mime and
meditated until I killed his abra.
record: 4-0

Match 5 vs. lady that worked at hte store.

This lady had a grass deck. She put out jigglypuff. I put out chansey. I put
an energy on chansey. her go. she lullibied. I didn't wake up. I put down a
mew nd attach an energy to chansey. then I energy removal her puff. her go.
she puts down a nidoran female and ataches an energy to her puff. she
lullibies but I wake up. I attach a double colorless to chansey and double
edge. bye puff. she sends out nidoran and furry swpes. She gets two heads.
THen it is my go. I edge her nidoran and since I have a pokemon on my bench
I win!

I am undefeated for today. For comments or suggestions email me at
ljsteele@iquest.net.  This is Ben saying see ya!