Once again I played a another tourney at Golden Memories in Mastic New York.
It was on January 15, 2000. It was a while ago so I won't remember it that
much. Here's teh deck.

4 Movie Mewtwo
4 Hitmocnhan
3 Mr. Mime

4 Pluspowers
3 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
1 Switch
3 Scoop Up
3 Computer Search
2 Itemfinder
3 Professor Oak
3 Gust of Wind

12 psychic
12 Fighting


Round 1: Mike Delgaudio: He usually plays stall but and it rocks but today
he played some bad Pinser/Mew deck?!?!?!?

I started with hitmonchan and mime on the bench. I killed Mew in 2 turns
after searching with a pluspower. He then had 2 grass on Pinser and vice
grip with no paralization. I then special Punch for 40 and he kills me with
a Double Colorless. I send out Mr. Mime and super energy removal Pinser to
buy time. 2 turns later he does 20 and doesnt paralyze me. I then mediate
and kill his last basic.

1-0 3 Points

Round 2: I don't remember his name but he was liek 17 and he kept making fun
of me. I hated him. He was playign an all bird deck.

Lucky for me I got out Hitmonchan ( brids are resistance to him). I computer
searchd for a mewtwo and tehn kill spearow. He then gets out Dodrio. He has
no energies. It would have been competition if he could draw energies. but
it was a pur Blow out for me.

2-0 6 Points

Round 3: I don't have to say anything about this guy. He's too good. He was
playing Buzz/Mewtwo.

I got out Hitmonchan and Mewtwo on the bench. He go out Mewtwo. He then
energy absorbed aftersearching for with 2 psys. I jabbed. He killed me. I
send out mewtwo he kills me.  send out hitmochan and gust for his electabuzz
and do 40. He scoops up Electabuzz and kills my last basic with Mewtwo.

2-1 6 Points

Round 4: Alan Hofler: Hes really good: He was playign Venusaur deck

He starts out with Scyther and Pinser on the bench. I start off with
Hitmonchan :(. I finaly draw a scoop up and I send out mewtwo. I kill his
Scyther and His pinser kills me. He gets out bulbasaur. My mime kills
Pinser. He gets out Venusaur on teh bench will Scyther is out. I send out
Hitmonchan and gust for teh Venusaur teh end teh problem. After I kill that
Venusaur he kills me with Pinser. He then gets out another Venusaur. I kill
Pinser and Scytehr with Mewtwo. He kills my Mewtwo with Venusaur. He kept
teh energys alive with energy trans. I then gust for Pinser and jab for 20.
He reates and hits me for 60. Hitmocnhan is my last basic and i need one
prie to win. I realize I have nothign to do. I then draw a gust of wind. I
was saving 2 Pluspowers in my hand. I then gust for teh Pinser and jab for
20 and 2 pluspowers to win. WHEW! Alan got really pissed and started banging
the table. That was oen of teh best games ever.

3-1 9 Points

Here was the Top 8.

1st Seed-  ???( He was playign rain dance)
8th Seed-   Me

2nd seed- Glenn ( Buzz/Mewtwo)
7th seed- Tom (Buzz/Mewtwo)

3rd Seed- Chris Fuler ( Hes so horrible??? alakzam/Gengar)
6th Seed-  Bird Boys freind ( I dont know what he was playing)

4th seed- Jason ( playing stall- very good)
5th seed-  Michael (alans brother- He's playign Wiggly)

Quarterfinals- ???? ( rain dance)

He starts with a Squrtle and I start with mewtwo. I oak first turn and get 3
energies on mewtwo rigth away with psyburn. He then says :you cheated u can
onyl attach one per turn" lol. I then kill squritle. That was his last basic
on teh table but thenn he pus down a magicarp. I did feel liek argueing I
let it go. I kill it. He does teh same thing with a staryu again. I kill
that. Again he puts down a magicarp when there is nothign on teh table. kill
that and i win. He cheated like hell.

Here was teh Top 4:

4th seed - Jason with stall
8th seed - me

2nd seed - Glenn
3rd seed - Chris Fuler???????

Semifinals: Jason with awsome stall.

I start with Hitmonchan and he started with Chansey. I kill that and he
sends out Moltres. It took me a whiel but I seached for a gust of wind to
kill Lickitung. He then breeders an abra for alakazam. It was hell from
there. I oaked in desperation. He wildfired me like 10 times. I get out a 3
energy Mewtwo but all my gust of winds were prizes except 1 so I cant kill
Alakazam. I deck myself. Oh well. I did good.

For 4th I got a Bodyguard Theme deck. I now have liek 50 grass energies. ome
to me if you need any.

Props and Slops:

Props to Chris Fuler: For actaully doing good
Props to Alan: For an excellent 4th Round game
Props to anyone who traded me one of those mewtwos: they are so awsome

Slops to Bird Boy: If you are gonna make fun of me at least be better than
Slops to my partner Ryan: for trying all these stupid slowbro decks
Slops to Ryan Troung: just cause i feel lie doing it. 3rd in teh world. ha!
that potpourri sucks.Play at Golden Memeories with that potpourri big guy
and we'll see who wins.

Well I gues thats it. Until next time, bye.