Hi this is Matt again. my last report was Super smokin thunderpunch( just so you dont get confused because of how many matts there are). I attended a tornament at Mankato, Mn at a store called "Double Play."  It was Saturday the 22nd there were only eight people there this time though.  It was best two out of three. I used your unstopable, beastly potpourri deck (v 1.5 with one card change).
3 Hitmonchan
3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther
3 Mr. Mime
1 Mew
1 Ponyta
1 Kangiskhan
3 Bill
3 Prof. Oak
3 Gust of Wind
3 Super Energy Removal
2 Energy Removal
2 PlusPower
2 Item Finder
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Scoop Up
1 Computer Search
7 Fighting Energy
6 Electric Energy
6 Psychic Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
    I used Mew because the metagame here is raindance and his devolution beam works great against a breedered Blastoise.

Gameone:Potpourriv1.5vsJim with Raindance
Roundone:I start with hitmonchan and him a lone squirtle.  I go first attach an energy and pluspower, Oak, Cpu search for another pluspower and win.
Roundtwo:I start with electabuzz and Scyther and Mime on bench, him a squirtle and another one with a magicarp on bench.  I go first attach an energy to electabuzz and Oak which only yields me one pluspower and nothing else so I figure why waste a pluspower? I gust out his Magicarp and kill it. His turn Oaks, Trades, Breeds, Raindances, but still not enough energy to hurt me. I super removal him and thunder punch for eighty damage. He Super removals buzz. my turn I attach energy to buzz and thundershock to kill Blastoise.  He sends up gyarados evolves his other squirtle to Blastoise rain dances and dragon rages. I scoop up buzz energy removal his gyarados put up mime and attach an energy to scyther. He attaches energy dragon rage, zero damage. I attach double colorless to Scyther and scoop up Mime then I slash. He attaches energy and bubblebeams, but thank God he doesn't paralyze him. I start to pump up Mime and kill Gyarados. I send out mime and kill his blastoise for the win! match record 2-0
1-0 (3 points)

Roundone: I attack fast with my hitmonchans and electabuzzs and he never recovers. I draw 6 prizes, Win.
Roundtwo: (See game one<there always seem to be one of these decks in the tournament>) match record 2-0
2-0 (6 points)

This guy is a smart one.  He puts a Muk in a deck that uses Mimes and Dittos! Oh my God! Thats why I call his deck "The very badly constructed deck"
Roundone:He starts with clefairy and me hitmonchan. Game. Win
Roundtwo: I love this guy. He is such a screw up.  I love messing up dittos with fancy pluspower and gust work.  I start up with electabuzz and kill off a couple basics. He starts getting out dittos. Oh how Fun. I special punch a ditto and retreat for mime one Ditto dead. I do that again. Then he recycles one of his Dittos back. I special punch with pluspower and gust out another pokemon to kill ditto. I draw all six prizes. match record 2-0
3-0 (9 points)

Roundone:I power up Hitmonchan and wreck everything that he throws at me. He rarely got energy but the energy he did get I removed. Win
Roundtwo:I power up Hitmonchan and wreck everything that he throws at me. He rarely got energy but the energy he did get I removed. Win. match record 2-0
4-0 (12 points)

Roundone:I attack early against his magmars and farfetch'd and draw all my prizes. Win.
Roundtwo:He gets out a wigglytuff and does the wave. like scott said attack the jigglypuff and thats what I did, but his potions coverd it.  At the end I have 2 cards left he has out wigglytuff. I have a benched Scyther with a double colorless energy. He has an aerodactyl on bench and I have gust in my hand at least one of those cards has to be an energy. Yes A psychic energy I attach it to Syther retreat my buzz gust out his aerodactyl and slash for the win!match record 2-0
5-0 (15 points)

Now i have to challenge Josh again for first IM shaking in my boots! but i felt confident because in Scotts report in August he said that he has never come close to losing to a raindance.

Roundone:  I start with buzz and him again a lone squirtle. I attached energy and oaked attached a pluspower. I then item findered the oak back and got another pluspower. First turn kill! But next tournament I am definately add more plusspowers. probably in exchange for ponyta.Win.
Roundtwo: I try for a first turn kill but again I only get one pluspower. He gets blastoise 2nd turn and a gyarados too. I cant handle all the damage. I lose.
Roundthree: This is a very long game and proves the strength of a Potpurri. Like Scott said in his strategy article it is very hard to play and that is soooooooooo true.  Youve got to use cards wisely. and thats what i did. I killed off his big guns. and he sends up a Squirtle and paralyzes me three times in a row, but in all those three turns he still didnt get a basic. I slashed for the win. match record 2-1
6-0 (18 points)

I got first and got 24$ store credit I got another mime, hitmonchan and Gengar. Not bad.  I love this deck. Scott is,in my eyes, the best at pokemon. His potpourri deck is unstopable, I mean i played a total of 13 rounds and only lose one. Please dont E-mail me hatemail because you think I got to lucky because there was no real competition and your right but when a lot of people come there is(run on).
Now it's time for the Props and Slops
Props to Doubleplay for having another great tournament
Props to Doubleplay for giving everyone a Mew
Props for pretty easy competition
Slops to me for not being able to come up with my own original deck
Slops to having to pay 5$ to get in
Slops for pretty easy competition
M. Soukup