Four Wheel Drive & then some
Saturday,January 22,2000
By John (da Hamster) Khaou

    HOOOOOOWWWWDDDYYYY HOO!!!!!!!  Once again, it's time for everyone's
favorite li'l hamster do his thang!!! Also once again,it's at da Toys R Us in
Sterling,VA. Well, the reason the report's got "& then some" in it 'cuz half
da time I wuz there helping li'l kidz to make decks and teachin' 'em how to
play "da Hamster's WAY!"  Anyway, 'nuff of da small talk, on wit' da rep!!!!
Deck Fixin'
    Fix # 1-Some scrub w/All da colors of the RAINBOW..
    I'm actually pretty boring to listen to for 15 minutes givin' him and his
mom his fixin's.  His evols were WAAAYYY too out of line,havin' 1-1 or 1-1-1
chains. His most decent decent family wuz Rhyhorn/Rhydon, havin' 2/1.  His
most decent types were fire/fight, havin'both magmars,hitmo,machop,and

    Fix # 2-Dustin(Some ignorant li'l spoiled B*atch)
    Well this kid's got PLENTY of cards, jus' not da brains.  He has NO  idea
how t'play da game. I EVENTUALLY decided his best type wuz Grass, and it
consisted of 3/2 bulbasaur/ivysaur,3-4 koffings,2-3 grimers,1 muk,3-2-1
weedle evol,and Kangaskhan for a li'l fetchin' power.  I STUFFED his deck
wit' billz,only 2 oaks,2-3 switches,pokedexes,and 4 gusts. We played a little
sample game after I made his deck. That's all I remember.  I jus' hope he
remembered half of what I taught him.

4x Drive and Report
    Well, it's been awhile since I used my potpourri and I thought I could
use it for da tourney.There were less kidz this time,but seems like more
activity, I think it's around 20 trainers. I made some modifications to my
deck to simply try out how good this Mew promo is, and in fact, it wuz simple
discard bait for my Comp search and itemfinders. Lickitung's there for some
Psychic metagaming,but I didn't have any problems wit them without
him.There's another problem however,since there wasn't enough peeps to sign
up for da tourney last week, it's postponed to NEXT week. Oh well, I supposed
it wouldn't hurt, but everyone who wuz depending on the element of surprise
lost it, as well as me and my dear friend, Lee Richie, with his
"Speedking/Venusaur"deck.  Besides all of that, y'know that i'm a ladies' man
wit' no time to talk so let's get down wit' it!!!!(and the fires of hell
flared with intense evil and impurity)
The Deck
7 Psychic
7 Fire
6 Electric
POkes:14(a respectable amount) :)
3 Mr.Mimes
3 Magmars(fossil)
3 Electabuzzes
2 Scythers
1 Kangaskhan
1 Mew
1 Lickitung
3 Energy Removals
3 Super Energy Removals
2 Bills
2 Oaks
1 Comp Search
2 E.Retrievals
2 Itemfinders
2 Gusts
2 Switches
2 PlusPowers
2 Scoop Ups

Match 1-Trey Handy w/Fire
    He's one of my li' disciples that I've personally taught on my own free
will and time. The deck itself was built by yours truly and he played it with
the best of his abilites. It consisted of Spearow/Fearow stall while buildin'
up Charmeleon or Ninetales on the bench.  Well, it simply couldn't deal with
my elemental advantage against his Spearows as 'Buzz kept havin' some snacks
each turn 'til Vulpix came up. The wrath of Vulpix was confusing 'Buzz, but a
well-timed Scoop Up made him still prize-less. Then I kept punching for
another kill 'til Charmander came up and embered 'Buzz. By now I've another
pumped 'Buzz and i'm able to TPunch w/a pluspower for a one hit game-ender.

Match 2-Tyler Handy w/Grass
    The not-so-older brother of Trey, he's another of my well-disciplined
students, but not as well as Trey. My lone Magmar appears before his Chansey
and his near benchful of leafy green basics. He goes first and lays down an
E.  Magmar smokescreens w/ER. Ty lays down another grass and then Magmar
poisons Chansey.  Ty then Super Potions on Chansey. I keep Smoggin', since
it's nearly impossible for it to retaliate. Then Chansey retreats and out
comes Nidorina and confuses poor Magmar. I've another Magmar full pumped on
the bench so I simply scooped up and poisoned Nidorina. Nidorina attempts
another supersonic but fails, and I get another prize. Then Nidoran F comes
up and dishes out 2 and then gets poisoned as well. Chansey,sittin' on the
bench, gets Fujied into the deck and Nidoran gets KOed. It went even farther
downhill from there, when Ty gets no energy and his Weepinbell and such gets

Match 3- John Rust(or "Rusty") w/Psychic and Grass
    Rust is also one of the few elite trainers around here, older than me and
most other trainers. He starts out with Abra, with Caterpie,Sabrina's Mime
and another Abra.  I've Magmar up front and 'Buzz sittin' in the back. I go
first and smokescreen,but not before oaking since my hand had unnecessary
trainers and no E. He slaps down THREE E's on 3 of his pokes!!!!! Of course,I
knew better and being outspoken the whole entire league gets in a debate!! 
Then, Ryan Richie managed to convince Phil,(arguably the smartest of our Gym
Leaders) that the rulings in the rulebook that says:"Attach an Energy card to
a Pokemon (only once per turn)" means only 1 E goes down each turn.The other
Gym Leaders(K.J. and Jayson)wit' their stubbornish side receeding, agreed and
we continued the game with Rusty layin' an E only Abra. He attempts Psyshock,
damaging Magmar but not paralyzing it.  Then I finish it off with a
smokescreen w/pluspower(due to lack of E). Rusty brings up his Jap Mime and
uses a 20 damage slap. I bring up Mime and meditate.He then brings up
Caterpie and attempts to paralyze but it's no good. Mime runs away and 'Buzz
comes up and shocked but it's not good as well. He then gets annoying nailing
3 string shots in a row,until I gusted out his Bulbasaur,but I failed to KO
it w/TPunch and Bulbasaur retaliated. I retreated 'Buzz out comes Magmar and
smokescreeens. Bulba's sore(get the pun?) and calls up Caterpie for support. 
This is when Phil comes over and tells us to wrap it up and it's sudden death
now!  Rusty frowns, knowing I may easily win, and with that, I itemfindered
my used PlusPower, smokescreened and acquired my third prize. GAME,SET,MATCH.
Rusty complains, but Phil said,"He was winning anyways," but Rust says,"Not
really." Rust, if a person who's got 2 prizes and his opponent has gotten
none, the first person is winning.

Results: I earned about 200 points through all of that work,but I think I
deserve more.  I appreciate it when Phil thinks I got my pointage worth but
I'm not totally convinced.

    Well, just for your knowledge, I've categorized our more recognized
players(including moi),into 2 skill levels,Knights being the most experienced
players and squires being the next best. The following are the partcipants
who are in next week's tourney.(Phil is questionable) These listings aren't
in any order, so don't criticize them(only I can do that) :)
Knights of the Coffee Table
Viet-favors Hay and keeps bitchin' on how he USED to beat me
Ryan Richie-Likes to try all sorts of crazy themes,but sometimes gets into
energy problems and his,well,insane (and sometimes perverted)behavior makes
everyone around almost insane,almost.
Lee Richie-The one who taught us all.(except for Phil) Prefers Gaymakers as
well, but is experimenting with evolution.He's the older of the Richie bros.
Also the unluckiest player (unfortunately) da Hamster knows.
Phil-Gym Leader, and the wisest.  I like him the most 'cuz he's unique, being
using his own ideas and doesn't go with most trends.  Unfortunately, that's
his weak spot, only using that Gym Leader issued deck, and simply modifying
it a bit.
and finally..John(da hamster)Khaou!-Outspoken and stands for what's right.(in
my opinion, of course)Can't stands watching people tryin' to cheat right
infront of him. Those who crosses his path will suffer his
wrath............(he he he)
K.J.-Gym Leader, and the most easily manipulated and gullible one. Otherwise,
a fair player,but may chat when desperate.
Jayson-The rulebreaker,and Gym Leader.  Has played with 14 potions in his
deck,not realizing the card limitation rule, and plays with Japs. One word
can describe him: ARROGANT
John Rust-He's inarguably well-organized his decks and cards.  Heck, he even
puts his decks' names on the boxes!(which also gives away it's types)I didn't
know he played with japs until today. We usually have our matches favoring
me, but he really surprised me today. Rusty normally just likes helping the
Gym Leaders do their jobs.

    Well,that's da bottum line 'cuz Britney Spears is D@#$ SEXY! Oops!
Nooo!!! Pretend that you didn't hear that!!!...Well..AHHHH!!!!!!! 

John "da Hamster"