Heroes Aren't Hard To Find
                            Charlotte, NC 28227
                            Central Ave. at the Plaza

    I entered an awesome and exciting tourney at Heroes. I come here almost
every week, and I decided to write about a 3rd place finish. There were about
30-35 people there. Almost every top-ranked person in North Carolina comes
here, so the tourneys are always challenging! Okay, here's PsyElimination:

4 Abra(not that bad as a starter)
3 Kadabra(SuperPsy is a great move!)
2 Alakazam(His Pokepower is possibly the best...his attack isn't bad either)
1 Movie Mewtwo(I'm trying to get more but come on! This card kicks!)
2 Jynx(great basic with 2 good moves)
3 Mr. Mime(He's really good if you use him correctly!)
2 Chansey(stall, swap, and center!)

2 Prof. Oak(get a better hand)
1 Poketrader(get a Pokemon taht you want)
1 Switch(retreat high-cost pokemon)
3 Pokemon Center(erase ALL damage with swap and Center!)
3 Comp. Search(get WHATEVER you need!)
1 Full Heal(for Venomoth's and Electabuzzes)
2 GOW(Mr.Mimes best friend and easy kills)
4 Energy Removal
2 Super En. Rem.

22 Psy Energy

ROUND 1! Me vs. Scott Frost
He's really good. He usually does great...and today I was ready. He had a
Haymaker variant...with Movie Mewtwos, Dittos, Fossil Gastly/Haunter, and
Scyther. I completely killed his guys with Movie Mewtwo and ER's and Alakazam
keeping me healthy. It got hard at times, but I had it done.

ROUND 2! Me vs. Brandon
He had a modified Rain Dance. It was a breeze. Blastoise couldn't touch my
Mime, and ER kept him at bay. I kept meditating again and again....one of the
easiest matches.

ROUND 3! Me vs. Ryan
I've never seen him before...but he was undefeated like me. This match was
He had a Psy deck...with not alot of Psy. Only Hypno and the Gengar line with
ALOT of Wigglytuffs! He had resistance...I never got anything I needed. I
stalled with Mimes, as he had a full bench when he did Do The Wave. It went
on FOREVER! He kills, I stall....he kills, I stall...until he had a LOW draw
pile. He had only 6 cards, me about 13. I figured, whoa! I can stall and win.
I stalled with Mime and he sent out Jiggly. He did pound. He had 2 cards
left. I needed an energy to retreat and bring out an healthy Mime....damn! A
SER! An energy was the next card! He pounded and won!

Round 4! Me vs. ??
This was the last round, due to heavy snowing and terrible weather. Almost 15
people dropped to go home early due to the condidtions! Noone's prepared here
in NC! I'm from NH, so this 4 inches was nothing! He was a kid I beat before
the tourney w/ ANOTHER raindance. He was undefeated, and was mad he had to
play me. Once again, Mime stopped all attacks, and I became victor slowly but
surely. I baet alot of good people today, so I was sure I got a prize!

I ended up getting 5 booster packs and a playmat. In them were Pidgeotto,
Nidoking, Poliwrath, holo Kabutops, and holo Hitmonlee! Thanks for reading

- Sir Antrim Garreon