" First of all I just wanna say that Tyler Grund is my hero" but anyways
this is a report of my s.q.e.d.w deck and how it did at the Toys'r'us pokemon
league in City of Industry, CA on january 8.

this was my first tournament ever so i was really nervous, especially since
im 16 and i was really afraid of being beaten by some 10 year old kid, not to
underestimate 10 year olds or anything.  when i got there there were about 20
kids there and it seems as though i wasnt allowed to play due to me being so
late, so i just got challenged by these two punks that thought they were all
bada$$.  oh and here is my decklist:

4 squirtle                 4 bill                                           
4 double colorless
3 wartortle              2 oaks                                        17
water energy
4 seel                      4 energy removals
3 dewgong              4 super energy removals
3 lickitung (my fave)3 switches
                                3 gust of wind
                                2 pokemon traders

this deck might look pretty weak and lame since it has no impressive
"HOLOGRAMS" which everyone seems to love so much but its record is
undefeated.  Seriously i have nearly 20 wins with it and no losses.  the
theme of this deck is to bring out a wartortle as soon as possible and use
bite by the second turn using DCE, and then after to build up your dewgong. 
the lickitungs are for stalling until ou get the necessary evolutions, but my
traders and oaks usually get me what i need by the third turn anyway. 

first kid-
some guy that was supposed to be really good
first turn i draw a squirtle, wartortle, bill, DCE, and water energies. he
goes first and puts down a magnemite. i thought i was screwed playing an
electric deck.  he attacks for twenty, and i go.  i paralyze it. he doesnt do
jack.  i put a DCE and evolve into wartortle. game.

second kid-
get this! he was supposed to be the best player there! he was playing a
nidoking deck.
i get a wartortle, a seel, lickitung, and energies.  he goes first.  he puts
down nidoran. and fails the horn hazard.  i tonguewrap succesfully.  he
evolves into nidorino, but gets two tails with the attack.  I draw a pokemon
trader and trade for squirtle, and put down the squirtle.  he puts down the
nidoking but doesnt have the energy for the attack.  I draaw an oak!  i oak
to get a wartortle, super energy removal, energy removal, a switch, and rest
water energy.  i remove all his energy and he goes.  he cant do crap and he
has no basics building up.  i get out a wartortle using switch and bite him. 
and its all downhill from there.....


PROPS to the kids i beat
PROPS to john for giving me a ride
PROPS to this one kid who traded me hitmonchan for a kabutops
SLOPS to me for getting there late
SLOPS to me for watching jayleno the night before
SLOPS to the spoiled kid who got his charizard jacked
"christine if you get a chance to see this then....
~justin hong